Click on the company or penalty amount for more information on each case. Click on the current parent name to reach the summary page for that parent company.
Company | Current Parent | Current Parent Industry | Primary Offense Type | Year | Agency | Penalty Amount |
Gulfport Energy Corp. | Gulfport Energy | oil and gas | environmental violation | 2020 | EPA | $3,700,000 |
GULFPORT ENERGY | Gulfport Energy | oil and gas | environmental violation | 2020 | EPA | $1,700,000 |
Gulfport Energy Corporation | Gulfport Energy | oil and gas | environmental violation | 2019 | EPA | $19,000 |
WEST COTE BLANCHE BAY FIELD/C.BARGE TVS | Gulfport Energy | oil and gas | environmental violation | 2015 | EPA | $11,280 |
GULFPORT ENERGY INC. | Gulfport Energy | oil and gas | workplace safety or health violation | 2018 | OSHA | $5,543 |