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Violation Tracker Industry Summary Page

Industry: building materials
Penalty Total since 2000$4,270,517,179
Number of Records: 5,781
Note: The totals include only those entries matched to a parent company. The industry designation is the primary one for the parent's operations overall. The totals are adjusted to account for the fact that each parent's entries may include both agency records and settlement announcements for the same case; or else a penalty covering multiple locations may be listed in the individual records for each of the facilities. They are also adjusted to reflect cases in which federal and state or local agencies cooperated and issued separate announcements of the outcome. Duplicate or overlapping penalty amounts are marked with an asterisk in the individual records list below.
Top 10 Current Parent CompaniesTotal Penalty $Number of Records
Holcim Group$1,096,345,686943
Carrier Global Corporation$634,395,41216
Standard Industries Inc.$182,643,65737
Eagle Materials$132,025,125108
Summit Materials$66,040,821338
Heidelberg Materials$55,913,511737

Individual Penalty Records:

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CompanyCurrent ParentPrimary Offense TypeYearAgency sort iconPenalty Amount
GREEN AMERICA RECYCLING LLCSummit Materialsenvironmental violation2014EPA$16,800
EFCO CORPORATIONApogee Enterprisesenvironmental violation2014EPA$51,369
PELLA WINDOW & DOOR CO, INCPella Corporationenvironmental violation2015EPA$12,558
AUDUBON MATERIALS, LLC DBA CENTRAL PLAINS CEMENTEagle Materialsenvironmental violation2015EPA$99,157
LEHIGH CEMENT COMPANY, LLC AND HANSON PERMANENTEHeidelberg Materialsenvironmental violation2020EPA$129,867
FORTERRA CONCRETE PRODUCTS INCQuikreteenvironmental violation2017EPA$33,902
CERTAINTEED CORPORATIONSaint-Gobainenvironmental violation2019EPA$319,228
LEHIGH CEMENT COMPANY, LLCHeidelberg Materialsenvironmental violation2021EPA(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $197,500
Owens Corning Insulating Systems, LLCOwens Corningenvironmental violation2023EPA$5,632
Systech Environmental CorporationHolcim Groupenvironmental violation2024EPA$98,513
Owens Corning Insulating Systems, LLCOwens Corningenvironmental violation2024EPA$115,302
Continental Cement Company, LLCSummit Materialsenvironmental violation2024EPA$24,000
W.R. GRACE & COMPANY (SITES)Standard Industries Inc.environmental violation2002EPA$2,821,000
LaFargeHolcim Groupenvironmental violation2012EPA$1,084,166
Cemex, Inc.Cemexenvironmental violation2013EPA(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $1,000,000
Holcim, Inc.Holcim Groupenvironmental violation2011EPA$50,000
Ash Grove CementCRH PLCenvironmental violation2013EPA(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $452,671
HOLCIM (US) INCHolcim Groupenvironmental violation2012EPA(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $36,500
GCC DACOTAH INCORPORATEDGrupo Cementos de Chihuahua (GCC)environmental violation2012EPA$70,000
HUNTER PANELS, LLCCarlisleenvironmental violation2015EPA$99,100
KNIFE RIVER CORPORATION NORTH CENTRALKnife River Corporationenvironmental violation2015EPA$23,850
KILGORE COMPANIES LLCSummit Materialsenvironmental violation2015EPA$75,000
Fisher Sand & Gravel Co.Fisher Industriesenvironmental violation2020EPA(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $95,000
NEVADA CEMENT COMPANYEagle Materialsenvironmental violation2001EPA$11,000
NATIONAL CEMENTVicatenvironmental violation2003EPA$838,396
Carrier CorporationCarrier Global Corporationenvironmental violation2019EPA$593,750
Cemex California Cement LLCCemexenvironmental violation2009EPA(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $2,000,000
TXI Riverside Cement CompanyMartin Marietta Materialsenvironmental violation2008EPA$394,000
CA PORTLAND CEMENT COCalPortlandenvironmental violation2012EPA(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $1,425,000
St-GobainSaint-Gobainenvironmental violation2010EPA$176,667
California Portland Cement (CPCC)CalPortlandenvironmental violation2009EPA$70,000
St-GobainSaint-Gobainenvironmental violation2008EPA$139,534
WeyerhaeuserWeyerhaeuserenvironmental violation2008EPA$19,343
Fisher Sand and GravelFisher Industriesenvironmental violation2009EPA$18,200
Fisher Sand & GravelFisher Industriesenvironmental violation2014EPA(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $150,000
Lehigh Southwest CementHeidelberg Materialsenvironmental violation2020EPA$307,004
CEMEXCemexenvironmental violation2013EPA$90,000
Custom Building Products, Inc.Quikreteenvironmental violation2010EPA$6,500
Roseburg Forest ProductsRoseburg Forest Productsenvironmental violation2011EPA$75,000
Nevada CementEagle Materialsenvironmental violation2018EPA$550,000
LEHIGH SOUTHWEST CEMENT CO.(FORM:HANSON PERMANENTE)Heidelberg Materialsenvironmental violation2015EPA$2,550,000
United States Pipe and FoundryQuikreteenvironmental violation2012EPA$158,100
Vulcan Materials CompanyVulcan Materialsenvironmental violation2015EPA$26,040
LEHIGH SOUTHWEST CEMENT COHeidelberg Materialsenvironmental violation2015EPA$191,848
Kohler Co.Kohlerenvironmental violation2020EPA$20,000,000
The Boise Cascade CompanyBoise Cascadeenvironmental violation2020EPA(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $175,000
POTLATCH CORPORATIONPotlatchDelticenvironmental violation2000EPA$500,000
WILLAMETTE INDUSTRIES, INC.Weyerhaeuserenvironmental violation2000EPA(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $11,231,181
BOISE CASCADE CORPORATIONBoise Cascadeenvironmental violation2002EPA(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $4,640,000
MITSUBISHI SILICON AMERICAMitsubishi Materialsenvironmental violation2000EPA$5,000
KETCHIKAN PULP COMPANYLouisiana-Pacific Corp.environmental violation2000EPA$75,000
ROSEBURG FOREST PRODUCTSRoseburg Forest Productsenvironmental violation2002EPA$8,904
Weyerhaeuser CosmopolisWeyerhaeuserenvironmental violation2003EPA$20,625
LAFARGE CORPORATION SEATTLE PLANTHolcim Groupenvironmental violation2010EPA$315,481
Jeld WenJELD-WEN Holdingenvironmental violation2011EPA$212,500
Ash Grove Cement CompanyCRH PLCenvironmental violation2013EPA(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $600,000
Lafarge North America IncHolcim Groupenvironmental violation2014EPA$300,000
Ash Grove CementCRH PLCenvironmental violation2013EPA(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $416,500
CPM Development CorporationCRH PLCenvironmental violation2012EPA$25,400
CertainTeed Gypsum, IncSaint-Gobainenvironmental violation2012EPA$42,300
Sierra Pacific IndustriesSierra Pacific Industriesenvironmental violation2013EPA$129,600
JELD-WEN, INC.JELD-WEN Holdingenvironmental violation2014EPA(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $360,000
Woodgrain Millwork IncWoodgrain Millworkenvironmental violation2017EPA$60,000
Sierra Pacific Industries IncSierra Pacific Industriesenvironmental violation2017EPA$28,000
Woodgrain Millwork, Inc.Woodgrain Millworkenvironmental violation2019EPA$20,000
Potlatchdeltic CorporationPotlatchDelticenvironmental violation2024EPA$598,000
PotlatchDeltic Land and Lumber, LLCPotlatchDelticenvironmental violation2022EPA$84,547
Weyerhaeuser CompanyWeyerhaeuserenvironmental violation2022EPA$5,000
Carlisle Construction Materials, LLCCarlisleenvironmental violation2024EPA$24,780
OWENS CORNINGOwens Corningenvironmental violation2024EPA$33,589
WEYERHAEUSER COMPANYWeyerhaeuserenvironmental violation2000EPA$5,000
Weyerhaeuser CompanyWeyerhaeuserenvironmental violation2004EPA$15,000
Continental Cement Company LLCSummit Materialsair pollution violation2025EPA$74,440
NATIONAL GYPSUMNational Gypsumaviation safety violation2013FAA$30,000
CUSTOM BUILDING PRODUCTSQuikreteaviation safety violation2013FAA$95,000
TRU VUE INCApogee Enterprisesaviation safety violation2014FAA$8,000
CARRIER ENTERPRISE LLCCarrier Global Corporationaviation safety violation2015FAA$9,450
FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC.Ferguson PLCaviation safety violation2016FAA$44,000
LAFARGE NORTH AMERICAHolcim Groupaviation safety violation2014FAA$12,000
PELLA WINDOWS AND DOORS OF FLPella Corporationaviation safety violation2016FAA$48,000
WEYERHAEUSER ENGINEERINGWeyerhaeuseraviation safety violation2015FAA$35,000
ALJOMA LUMBER, INC. AND DUKE REALTY LIMITED PARTNERSHIPUFP Industrieshazardous waste violation2020FL-DEP$11,060
TITAN AMERICA, LLCTitan Cement Internationalenvironmental violation2020FL-DEP$7,000
HUTTIG BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC.Woodgrain Millworkhazardous waste violation2020FL-DEP$18,900
THE QUIKRETE COMPANIES, LLCQuikreteair pollution violation2019FL-DEP$5,000
CARLISLE CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, LLCCarlisleair pollution violation2019FL-DEP$10,000
FIBERTEK INSULATION, LLCOwens Corningair pollution violation2011FL-DEP$5,500
CEMEX CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS FLORIDA, LLCCemexair pollution violation2010FL-DEP$161,000
CEMEX CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS FLORIDA, LLCCemexair pollution violation2010FL-DEP$520,000
LAFARGE GYPSUM MANUFACTURING FACILITYHolcim Groupdrinking water violation2010FL-DEP$5,200
VULCAN MATERIALS COVulcan Materialsenvironmental violation2010FL-DEP$7,047
HANSON PIPE & PRECAST, LLCQuikreteenvironmental violation2009FL-DEP$5,500
UNIVERSAL FOREST PRODUCTS-EASTERN DIVISION, INC.UFP Industriesenvironmental violation2009FL-DEP$8,500
CEMEX INC.Cemexair pollution violation2009FL-DEP$45,000
CEMEX CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS OF FLORIDA, LLCCemexenvironmental violation2009FL-DEP$18,000
CEMEX CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS OF FLORIDA, LLCCemexair pollution violation2009FL-DEP$6,000
CEMEX INC.Cemexenvironmental violation2008FL-DEP$8,000
CEMEX, INC.Cemexenvironmental violation2008FL-DEP$10,000
FLORIDA ROCK INDUSTRIES, INC.Vulcan Materialsair pollution violation2008FL-DEP$9,000
CEMEX, INC.Cemexenvironmental violation2007FL-DEP$28,900
CEMEX, INC.Cemexenvironmental violation2007FL-DEP$6,000
(*): Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting.