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Violation Tracker Industry Summary Page

Industry: building materials
Penalty Total since 2000$4,270,517,179
Number of Records: 5,781
Note: The totals include only those entries matched to a parent company. The industry designation is the primary one for the parent's operations overall. The totals are adjusted to account for the fact that each parent's entries may include both agency records and settlement announcements for the same case; or else a penalty covering multiple locations may be listed in the individual records for each of the facilities. They are also adjusted to reflect cases in which federal and state or local agencies cooperated and issued separate announcements of the outcome. Duplicate or overlapping penalty amounts are marked with an asterisk in the individual records list below.
Top 10 Current Parent CompaniesTotal Penalty $Number of Records
Holcim Group$1,096,345,686943
Carrier Global Corporation$634,395,41216
Standard Industries Inc.$182,643,65737
Eagle Materials$132,025,125108
Summit Materials$66,040,821338
Heidelberg Materials$55,913,511737

Individual Penalty Records:

Click on the company or penalty amount for more information on each case. Click on the parent name to reach the summary page for that parent company.

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Company sort iconCurrent ParentPrimary Offense TypeYearAgencyPenalty Amount
CPM DEVELOPMENT CORPORATIONCRH PLCenvironmental violation2015OR-ENV$10,400
CPM Development CorporationCRH PLCenvironmental violation2012EPA$25,400
CPM DEVELOPMENT CORPCRH PLCworkplace safety or health violation2009OSHA$17,600
Cornejo & Sons, LLCSummit Materialswage and hour violation2011WHD$43,090
CORNEJO & SONS, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2013OSHA$17,500
CORNEJO & SONS, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2013OSHA$5,000
CORNEJO & SONS INCSummit Materialsmotor vehicle safety violation2007FMCSA$23,940
COPAR QUARRIES (SB)Armetta LLCenvironmental violation2014EPA(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $80,000
Copar QuarriesArmetta LLCair pollution violation2014EPA$80,000
CONTINENTAL CEMENT COMPANY, LLCSummit Materialsenvironmental violation2012EPA$322,025
Continental Cement Company, LLCSummit Materialsenvironmental violation2024EPA$24,000
Continental Cement Company, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2022MSHA$6,908
Continental Cement Company, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2021MSHA$10,232
Continental Cement Company, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2023MSHA$6,000
Continental Cement Company, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2023MSHA$6,688
Continental Cement Company, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2023MSHA$64,958
Continental Cement Company, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2023MSHA$22,209
Continental Cement Company, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2023MSHA$22,209
Continental Cement Company, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2021MSHA$5,395
Continental Cement Company, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2022MSHA$13,816
Continental Cement Company, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2022MSHA$13,816
Continental Cement Company, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2023MSHA$13,743
Continental Cement Company, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2023MSHA$5,703
Continental Cement Company, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2021MSHA$6,331
Continental Cement Company, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2022MSHA$5,293
Continental Cement Company, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2022MSHA$12,076
Continental Cement Company, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2022MSHA$12,076
Continental Cement Company, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2022MSHA$10,868
Continental Cement Company, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2022MSHA$5,427
Continental Cement Company, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2022MSHA$6,725
Continental Cement Company, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2015MSHA$5,503
Continental Cement Company, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2015MSHA$6,996
Continental Cement Company, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2022MSHA$10,000
Continental Cement Company, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2022MSHA$5,731
Continental Cement Company, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2024MSHA$8,776
Continental Cement Company, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2021MSHA$6,858
Continental Cement Company, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2021MSHA$6,858
Continental Cement Company, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2021MSHA$6,858
Continental Cement Company, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2021MSHA$6,858
Continental Cement Company, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2021MSHA$6,858
Continental Cement Company, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2021MSHA$6,858
Continental Cement Company, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2023MSHA$5,000
Continental Cement Company, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2015MSHA$30,000
Continental Cement Company, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2018MSHA$5,903
Continental Cement Company, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2015MSHA$7,176
Continental Cement Company, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2019MSHA$6,418
Continental Cement Company, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2019MSHA$13,685
Continental Cement Company, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2023MSHA$7,481
CONTINENTAL CEMENT COMPANY, L.L.C.Summit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$9,254
Continental Cement Company LLCSummit Materialsair pollution violation2019MO-ENV$25,000
Continental Cement Company LLCSummit Materialsair pollution violation2016MO-ENV$75,000
Continental Cement Company LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2013MSHA$5,000
Continental Cement Company LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2013MSHA$11,306
Continental Cement Company LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2013MSHA$5,682
Continental Cement Company LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2013MSHA$5,503
Continental Cement Company LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2011MSHA$8,118
Continental Cement Company LLCSummit Materialsair pollution violation2025EPA$74,440
Continental Cement CompanySummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2022MSHA$17,500
Continental Cement Co LLCSummit Materialsenvironmental violation2023MO-ENV$19,950
CONTINENTAL CEMENT CO LLCSummit Materialsenvironmental violation2004EPA$5,000
CONTECH ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS, LLCQuikreteworkplace safety or health violation2018OSHA$12,934
CONTECH ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS LLCQuikreteenvironmental violation2009MA-ENV$6,000
Contech Engineered Solutions LLCQuikreteprice-fixing or anti-competitive practices2021DOJ_ANTITRUST$8,533,988
CONTECH ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS LLCQuikreteworkplace safety or health violation2015OSHA$5,655
CONTECH ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS LLCQuikreteworkplace safety or health violation2015OSHA$6,240
CONTECH ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS LLCQuikreteworkplace safety or health violation2016OSHA$12,000
CONTECH ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS LLCQuikreteworkplace safety or health violation2021OSHA$7,315
Conco QuarriesCRH PLCworkplace safety or health violation2010MSHA$13,300
Conco QuarriesCRH PLCworkplace safety or health violation2023MSHA$7,432
COLONIAL CONCRETE COMPANYVulcan Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2011OSHA$5,950
Clarion Boards, LLCKronospanair pollution violation2019PA-ENV$229,950
CLARION BOARDS, INC.Kronospanworkplace safety or health violation2015OSHA$11,880
CLARION BOARDS LLCKronospanenvironmental violation2016PA-ENV$66,928
CLARION BOARDS LLCKronospanenvironmental violation2013PA-ENV$28,800
CLARION BOARDS LLCKronospanenvironmental violation2012PA-ENV$159,556
CLARION BOARDS LLCKronospanworkplace safety or health violation2021OSHA$7,373
CLARION BOARDS LLCKronospanworkplace safety or health violation2021OSHA$14,746
Clarion Boards Inc.Kronospanair pollution violation2007PA-ENV$90,000
CLARION BOARDSKronospanworkplace safety or health violation2013OSHA$9,675
Certainteed Saint-GobainSaint-Gobainrailroad safety violation2017FRA$16,500
CERTAINTEED ROOFINGSaint-Gobainworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$13,653
CertainTeed LLCSaint-Gobainair pollution violation2014MN-ENV$10,000
CertainTeed LLCSaint-Gobainenvironmental violation2021OH-ENV$34,000
CertainTeed LLCSaint-Gobainenvironmental violation2022EPA$104,572
CERTAINTEED LLCSaint-Gobainworkplace safety or health violation2021OSHA$43,506
CERTAINTEED LLCSaint-Gobainworkplace safety or health violation2023OSHA$6,262
CERTAINTEED LLCSaint-Gobainworkplace safety or health violation2023OSHA$15,625
CERTAINTEED LLCSaint-Gobainworkplace safety or health violation2024OSHA$37,832
CertainTeed LLCSaint-Gobainenvironmental violation2021EPA(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $104,572
CertainTeed Gypsum, Inc.Saint-Gobainair pollution violation2009IA-ENV$5,900
CertainTeed Gypsum, IncSaint-Gobainenvironmental violation2012EPA$42,300
CERTAINTEED GYPSUM WV, INC.Saint-Gobainair pollution violation2020WV-ENV$46,000
CertainTeed Gypsum Manufacturing, IncSaint-Gobainair pollution violation2024AR-ENV$8,640
CertainTeed Gypsum Manufacturing IncSaint-Gobainworkplace safety or health violation2023MSHA$6,688
CertainTeed Gypsum & Ceiling Mfg.Saint-Gobainair pollution violation2017IA-ENV$10,000
CERTAINTEED CORPORATION DBA BIRD ROOFINGSaint-Gobainworkplace safety or health violation2002OSHA$9,000
CertainTeed CorporationSaint-Gobainlabor relations violation2004NLRB$16,714
Certainteed CorporationSaint-Gobainair pollution violation2003GA-ENV$5,000
CertainTeed CorporationSaint-Gobainenvironmental violation2019LA-ENV$111,663
CertainTeed CorporationSaint-Gobainenvironmental violation2019LA-ENV$7,000
(*): Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting.