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Violation Tracker Industry Summary Page

Industry: building materials
Penalty Total since 2000$4,270,517,179
Number of Records: 5,781
Note: The totals include only those entries matched to a parent company. The industry designation is the primary one for the parent's operations overall. The totals are adjusted to account for the fact that each parent's entries may include both agency records and settlement announcements for the same case; or else a penalty covering multiple locations may be listed in the individual records for each of the facilities. They are also adjusted to reflect cases in which federal and state or local agencies cooperated and issued separate announcements of the outcome. Duplicate or overlapping penalty amounts are marked with an asterisk in the individual records list below.
Top 10 Current Parent CompaniesTotal Penalty $Number of Records
Holcim Group$1,096,345,686943
Carrier Global Corporation$634,395,41216
Standard Industries Inc.$182,643,65737
Eagle Materials$132,025,125108
Summit Materials$66,040,821338
Heidelberg Materials$55,913,511737

Individual Penalty Records:

Click on the company or penalty amount for more information on each case. Click on the parent name to reach the summary page for that parent company.

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CompanyCurrent ParentPrimary Offense TypeYear sort iconAgencyPenalty Amount
Cemex California Cement LLCCemexworkplace safety or health violation2006MSHA$6,600
Cemex California Cement LLCCemexworkplace safety or health violation2006MSHA$6,600
Cemex California Cement LLCCemexworkplace safety or health violation2006MSHA$6,600
Cemex California Cement LLCCemexworkplace safety or health violation2006MSHA$6,600
Cemex California Cement LLCCemexworkplace safety or health violation2006MSHA$5,800
Cemex California Cement LLCCemexworkplace safety or health violation2006MSHA$6,600
Cemex California Cement LLCCemexworkplace safety or health violation2006MSHA$6,800
Cemex California Cement LLCCemexworkplace safety or health violation2006MSHA$5,500
Rocky Mountain Materials & Asphalt IncMartin Marietta Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2006MSHA$5,500
Heidelberg Materials US Cement LLCHeidelberg Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2006MSHA$5,300
Heidelberg Materials US Cement LLCHeidelberg Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2006MSHA$5,300
Buzzi Unicem USABuzzi Unicemworkplace safety or health violation2006MSHA$5,800
Hinkle Contracting Company LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2006MSHA$48,000
Essroc CementSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2006MSHA$5,300
Heidelberg Materials US Cement LLCHeidelberg Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2006MSHA$5,000
Heidelberg Materials US Cement LLCHeidelberg Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2006MSHA$6,600
CemexCemexworkplace safety or health violation2006MSHA$5,342
Lafarge Building Materials IncorporatedHolcim Groupworkplace safety or health violation2006MSHA$5,500
Vulcan Construction Materials, LLCVulcan Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2006MSHA$11,300
Lehigh Cement Company, LLCHeidelberg Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2006MSHA$6,300
Vulcan Construction Materials, LLCVulcan Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2006MSHA$35,000
Holcim - SOR, IncHolcim Groupworkplace safety or health violation2006MSHA$36,800
Essroc Cement Corp.Summit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2006MSHA$5,300
Essroc Cement Corp.Summit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2006MSHA$5,500
Essroc Cement Corp.Summit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2006MSHA$8,200
Essroc Cement Corp.Summit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2006MSHA$6,300
Martin Marietta Materials IncMartin Marietta Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2006MSHA$5,460
CORNEJO & SONS INCSummit Materialsmotor vehicle safety violation2007FMCSA$23,940
Oldcastle, Inc.CRH PLCwage and hour violation2007WHD$10,820
Metro Home Insulation LLCInstalled Building Productswage and hour violation2007WHD$20,766
American Stone Inc.Martin Marietta Materialswage and hour violation2007WHD$41,003
Carrier CorporationCarrier Global CorporationFamily and Medical Leave Act2007WHD$8,793
Lattimore Materials Co.Holcim Grouplabor relations violation2007NLRB$342,916
Thyssenkrupp Elevator Manufacturing, Inc.TK Elevatorlabor relations violation2007NLRB$20,056
GAF Materials CorporationStandard Industries Inc.labor relations violation2007NLRB$33,500
Carrier Corp.Carrier Global Corporationlabor relations violation2007NLRB$5,196
American Woodmark CorporationAmerican Woodmarklabor relations violation2007NLRB$37,500
Alamo Gulf Coast RailroadMartin Marietta Materialsrailroad safety violation2007FRA$5,500
Aggregate Industries Northeast Region Inc.Holcim Groupfraud2007USAO$50,000,000
Beaulieu GroupEngineered Floorstax violations2007USAO$33,184,364
Aggregate Industries Northeast Region, Inc.Holcim GroupFalse Claims Act and related2007MA-AG(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $50,000,000
Hanson Building Materials,Quikreteenvironmental violation2007CA-AG$42,200,000
Pike Industries, Inc.CRH PLCconsumer protection violation2007ME-AG$20,000
LEHIGH CEMENT CO LLCHeidelberg Materialsenvironmental violation2007PA-ENV$7,350
HANSON AGGREGATES PA LLCHeidelberg Materialsenvironmental violation2007PA-ENV$5,200
HANSON AGGREGATES PA LLCHeidelberg Materialsenvironmental violation2007PA-ENV$5,000
PENNSY SUPPLY INCCRH PLCenvironmental violation2007PA-ENV$10,650
LEHIGH CEMENT CO LLCHeidelberg Materialsenvironmental violation2007PA-ENV$8,285
LEHIGH CEMENT CO LLCHeidelberg Materialsenvironmental violation2007PA-ENV$6,000
HANSON AGGREGATES PMA INCHeidelberg Materialsenvironmental violation2007PA-ENV$9,766
United States Gypsum Co.Knaufair pollution violation2007AL-ENV$5,000
WeyerhaeuserWeyerhaeuserair pollution violation2007AL-ENV$50,000
Sierra Pacific IndustriesSierra Pacific Industriesair pollution violation2007CA-ARB$13,000,000
Oldcastle SW GroupCRH PLCair pollution violation2007CO-DPHE$31,325
Holcim (US) Inc.Holcim Groupair pollution violation2007CO-DPHE$50,000
Oldcastle SW GroupCRH PLCair pollution violation2007CO-DPHE$5,000
CEMEX, INC.Cemexenvironmental violation2007FL-DEP$28,900
CEMEX, INC.Cemexenvironmental violation2007FL-DEP$6,000
Owens CorningOwens Corningair pollution violation2007GA-ENV$15,000
Hanson AggregatesHeidelberg Materialswater pollution violation2007GA-ENV$10,000
ASH GROVE CEMENT COMPANYCRH PLCair pollution violation2007ID-ENV$28,125
GENERAL SHALE BRICK INCWienerberger AGair pollution violation2007IN-ENV$18,000
OLDCASTLE LAWN & GARDEN INCCRH PLCenvironmental violation2007MA-ENV$5,750
LAFARGE NORTH AMERICA GYPSUM DIVHolcim Groupair pollution violation2007NJ-ENV$5,000
AFG IND INCAGC Inc.air pollution violation2007NJ-ENV$6,000
AFG INDUSTRIES INC.AGC Inc.air pollution violation2007NJ-ENV$122,000
GRIFFIN PIPE PRODUCTS COQuikretewater pollution violation2007NJ-ENV$20,000
Owens Corning et al.Owens Corningenvironmental violation2007OH-ENV$50,650
WOODGRAIN MILLWORK, INC.Woodgrain Millworkhazardous waste violation2007OR-ENV$13,179
JELD-WEN, INC.JELD-WEN Holdingenvironmental violation2007OR-ENV$14,500
Clarion Boards Inc.Kronospanair pollution violation2007PA-ENV$90,000
Hercules Cement CompanyBuzzi Unicemair pollution violation2007PA-ENV$174,604
OWENS CORNING COMPOSITE MATERIAL SOLUTIONS LLCOwens Corningair pollution violation2007SC-ENV$5,000
SAINT-GOBAIN ABRASIVES, INCSaint-Gobainair pollution violation2007SC-ENV$6,500
S&W READY MIX CONCRETE CO INCTitan Cement Internationalair pollution violation2007SC-ENV$7,000
TXI Operations, LPMartin Marietta Materialsenvironmental violation2007TX-ENV$11,556
Lone Star Industries, Inc.Buzzi Unicemenvironmental violation2007TX-ENV$11,635
United States Gypsum CompanyKnaufenvironmental violation2007TX-ENV$14,700
HANSON PIPE & PRECAST INCQuikreteenvironmental violation2007WA-ENV$8,000
Cemex Construction Materials, Inc.Cemexair pollution violation2007CA-SCAQMD$7,791
Sierra Pacific IndustriesSierra Pacific Industriesair pollution violation2007WA-ORCAA$5,000
FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC.Ferguson PLCworkplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$5,000
SIERRA PACIFIC INDSierra Pacific Industriesworkplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$18,000
CEMEX CALIFORNIA CEMENT LLCCemexworkplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$5,525
QUANEX CORPORATION D/B/A HOMESHIELDQuanex Building Productsworkplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$6,436
JELD -WEN DOOR SYSTEMS OF VTJELD-WEN Holdingworkplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$6,400
INSULFOAM, LLCCarlisleworkplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$9,060
KARONA INCJELD-WEN Holdingworkplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$5,265
JELD WEN WINDOWS & DOORSJELD-WEN Holdingworkplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$8,800
FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INCFerguson PLCworkplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$11,620
FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INCFerguson PLCworkplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$9,750
JELD-WEN INCJELD-WEN Holdingworkplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$6,300
SHAWNLEE CONSTRUCTION, LLC.UFP Industriesworkplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$48,250
W R GRACE & COMPANYStandard Industries Inc.workplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$9,000
KOHLER COKohlerworkplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$6,300
CEMEX INCCemexworkplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$6,985
HANSON PIPE AND PRODUCTS PRECAST SOUTHEAST, INC.Quikreteworkplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$8,200
SHAWNLEE CONSTRUCTION LLCUFP Industriesworkplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$6,000
SHAWNLEE CONSTRUCTION, LLCUFP Industriesworkplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$28,000
OLDCASTLE GLASS INC., NORTHCRH PLCworkplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$5,600
JELD-WEN INCJELD-WEN Holdingworkplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$8,650
(*): Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting.