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Violation Tracker Industry Summary Page

Industry: building materials
Penalty Total since 2000$4,270,517,179
Number of Records: 5,781
Note: The totals include only those entries matched to a parent company. The industry designation is the primary one for the parent's operations overall. The totals are adjusted to account for the fact that each parent's entries may include both agency records and settlement announcements for the same case; or else a penalty covering multiple locations may be listed in the individual records for each of the facilities. They are also adjusted to reflect cases in which federal and state or local agencies cooperated and issued separate announcements of the outcome. Duplicate or overlapping penalty amounts are marked with an asterisk in the individual records list below.
Top 10 Current Parent CompaniesTotal Penalty $Number of Records
Holcim Group$1,096,345,686943
Carrier Global Corporation$634,395,41216
Standard Industries Inc.$182,643,65737
Eagle Materials$132,025,125108
Summit Materials$66,040,821338
Heidelberg Materials$55,913,511737

Individual Penalty Records:

Click on the company or penalty amount for more information on each case. Click on the parent name to reach the summary page for that parent company.

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CompanyCurrent ParentPrimary Offense TypeYearAgencyPenalty Amount sort icon
Cemex California Cement LLCCemexworkplace safety or health violation2009MSHA$6,500
Holcim (US) IncHolcim Groupworkplace safety or health violation2020MSHA$6,500
Cemex IncCemexworkplace safety or health violation2011MSHA$6,500
Green America Recycling, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2017MSHA$6,500
Green America Recycling, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2017MSHA$6,500
Central Plains Cement Co.Eagle Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2016MSHA$6,500
Heidelberg Materials Northeast LLCHeidelberg Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2011MSHA$6,500
Holcim (US) Inc.Holcim Groupworkplace safety or health violation2016MSHA$6,500
TXI Operations, LPMartin Marietta Materialsenvironmental violation2017TX-ENV$6,521
GCC PermianGrupo Cementos de Chihuahua (GCC)workplace safety or health violation2021MSHA$6,521
STELLA-JONES CORPORATIONStella-Jonesworkplace safety or health violation2021OSHA$6,525
CEMEX Construction Materials South LLCCemexworkplace safety or health violation2017MSHA$6,531
LEHIGH CEMENT COHeidelberg Materialsair pollution violation2014IN-ENV$6,563
THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR MANUFACTURING INCTK Elevatorworkplace safety or health violation2005OSHA$6,563
JELD-WEN, INC. HAWKINS WINDOW DIVISIONJELD-WEN Holdingworkplace safety or health violation2021OSHA$6,565
Shawnlee Construction, LLCUFP Industrieswage and hour violation2011WHD$6,570
Cemex de Puerto RicoCemexworkplace safety or health violation2017MSHA$6,576
Cemex de Puerto RicoCemexworkplace safety or health violation2017MSHA$6,576
Cemex de Puerto RicoCemexworkplace safety or health violation2017MSHA$6,576
Cemex de Puerto RicoCemexworkplace safety or health violation2017MSHA$6,576
UFP NEW YORK LLC PLANT #324UFP Industriesworkplace safety or health violation2021OSHA$6,584
LAFARGE ROAD MARKINGHolcim Groupworkplace safety or health violation2003OSHA$6,595
KARONA INCJELD-WEN Holdingworkplace safety or health violation2003OSHA$6,599
Weyerhaeuser NR CompanyWeyerhaeuserair pollution violation2019AR-ENV$6,600
W.R. GRACE & CO.Standard Industries Inc.environmental violation2016OR-ENV$6,600
JELD-WEN, INCJELD-WEN Holdingworkplace safety or health violation2005OSHA$6,600
MARSHFIELD DOOR SYSTEMS, INC.Owens Corningworkplace safety or health violation2011OSHA$6,600
JELD-WENJELD-WEN Holdingworkplace safety or health violation2011OSHA$6,600
AGC AUTOMOTIVE AMERICASAGC Inc.workplace safety or health violation2016OSHA$6,600
Cemex California Cement LLCCemexworkplace safety or health violation2006MSHA$6,600
Cemex California Cement LLCCemexworkplace safety or health violation2006MSHA$6,600
Cemex California Cement LLCCemexworkplace safety or health violation2006MSHA$6,600
Cemex California Cement LLCCemexworkplace safety or health violation2006MSHA$6,600
Cemex California Cement LLCCemexworkplace safety or health violation2006MSHA$6,600
Cemex California Cement LLCCemexworkplace safety or health violation2006MSHA$6,600
Cemex California Cement LLCCemexworkplace safety or health violation2006MSHA$6,600
Cemex California Cement LLCCemexworkplace safety or health violation2006MSHA$6,600
Cemex California Cement LLCCemexworkplace safety or health violation2006MSHA$6,600
Cemex California Cement LLCCemexworkplace safety or health violation2006MSHA$6,600
Valley Sand and Rock, IncBCJ Sand and Rockworkplace safety or health violation2013MSHA$6,600
Heidelberg Materials US Cement LLCHeidelberg Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2006MSHA$6,600
Cemex UsaCemexworkplace safety or health violation2002MSHA$6,600
Heavy Materials LLCVulcan Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2010MSHA$6,600
Holcim (US) Inc.Holcim Groupworkplace safety or health violation2020MSHA$6,612
AGGREGATE INDUSTRIES NORTHEAST REGIONHolcim Groupenvironmental violation2016MA-ENV$6,616
THE QUIKRETE COMPANIES LLCQuikreteworkplace safety or health violation2016OSHA$6,620
CalportlandCalPortlandworkplace safety or health violation2021MSHA$6,620
Holcim (US) Inc.Holcim Groupworkplace safety or health violation2022MSHA$6,620
Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a EPPCO, a Ferguson EnterpriseFerguson PLClabor relations violation2002NLRB$6,624
Ash Grove Cement CompanyCRH PLCworkplace safety or health violation2015MSHA$6,624
Lehigh Southwest CementHeidelberg Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2010MSHA$6,624
Lehigh Southwest CementHeidelberg Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2010MSHA$6,624
Lehigh Southwest CementHeidelberg Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2008MSHA$6,624
Cemex California Cement LLCCemexworkplace safety or health violation2008MSHA$6,624
CemexCemexworkplace safety or health violation2008MSHA$6,624
Lafarge Building Materials IncorporatedHolcim Groupworkplace safety or health violation2010MSHA$6,624
Essroc Cement CorpSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2008MSHA$6,624
Heidelberg Materials Southeast Agg., LLCHeidelberg Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2015MSHA$6,624
Buzzi Unicem USABuzzi Unicemworkplace safety or health violation2013MSHA$6,624
Buzzi Unicem USABuzzi Unicemworkplace safety or health violation2015MSHA$6,624
Texas Lehigh Cement Company LPTexas Lehigh Cementworkplace safety or health violation2014MSHA$6,624
Essroc Cement Corp.Summit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2014MSHA$6,624
OLDCASTLE LAWN & GARDEN, INC.CRH PLCworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$6,630
JELD-WEN, INC. HAWKINS WINDOW DIVISIONJELD-WEN Holdingworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$6,630
OLDCASTLE APG SOUTH, INC.CRH PLCworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$6,630
LAFARGE HOLCIMHolcim Groupworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$6,632
CEMEX, INC.Cemexworkplace safety or health violation2016OSHA$6,635
Owens Corning Composite Materials, LLCOwens Corningenvironmental violation2011TX-ENV$6,640
ARGOS USA LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2018OSHA$6,652
Mission Valley Rock, LLCHeidelberg Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2019MSHA$6,660
Mission Valley Rock, LLCHeidelberg Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2019MSHA$6,660
Mission Valley Rock, LLCHeidelberg Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2019MSHA$6,660
Buzzi Unicem USABuzzi Unicemworkplace safety or health violation2019MSHA$6,660
GCC Dacotah IncGrupo Cementos de Chihuahua (GCC)workplace safety or health violation2019MSHA$6,660
Martin Marietta North Texas Cement, LLCMartin Marietta Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2017MSHA$6,664
GUARDIAN FIBERGLASS, INC.Knaufworkplace safety or health violation2000OSHA$6,670
CEMEX Southeast, LLCCemexworkplace safety or health violation2023MSHA$6,688
CEMEX Southeast, LLCCemexworkplace safety or health violation2023MSHA$6,688
CertainTeed Gypsum Manufacturing IncSaint-Gobainworkplace safety or health violation2023MSHA$6,688
CalPortland CompanyCalPortlandworkplace safety or health violation2023MSHA$6,688
Holcim (US) IncHolcim Groupworkplace safety or health violation2023MSHA$6,688
CEMEX Construction Materials South, LLCCemexworkplace safety or health violation2023MSHA$6,688
Illinois Cement CompanyEagle Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2023MSHA$6,688
Illinois Cement CompanyEagle Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2023MSHA$6,688
Heidelberg Materials Midwest Agg, Inc.Heidelberg Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2023MSHA$6,688
Heidelberg Materials Midwest Agg, Inc.Heidelberg Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2023MSHA$6,688
Holcim - MAMR, Inc.Holcim Groupworkplace safety or health violation2023MSHA$6,688
Martin Marietta Materials IncMartin Marietta Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2023MSHA$6,688
Martin Marietta Materials IncMartin Marietta Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2023MSHA$6,688
Heidelberg Materials US Cement LLCHeidelberg Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2023MSHA$6,688
Holcim (US) Inc.Holcim Groupworkplace safety or health violation2023MSHA$6,688
Continental Cement Company, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2023MSHA$6,688
Martin Marietta Materials Inc.Martin Marietta Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2023MSHA$6,688
Nevada Cement CompanyEagle Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2023MSHA$6,688
Vulcan Construction Materials, LLCVulcan Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2023MSHA$6,688
Buzzi Unicem USABuzzi Unicemworkplace safety or health violation2023MSHA$6,688
Buzzi Unicem USABuzzi Unicemworkplace safety or health violation2023MSHA$6,688
Buzzi Unicem USABuzzi Unicemworkplace safety or health violation2023MSHA$6,688
Buzzi Unicem USABuzzi Unicemworkplace safety or health violation2023MSHA$6,688
Buzzi Unicem USABuzzi Unicemworkplace safety or health violation2023MSHA$6,688
Buzzi Unicem USABuzzi Unicemworkplace safety or health violation2023MSHA$6,688
(*): Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting.