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Violation Tracker Industry Summary Page

Industry: financial services
Penalty Total since 2000$395,312,528,119
Number of Records: 8,003
Note: The totals include only those entries matched to a parent company. The industry designation is the primary one for the parent's operations overall. The totals are adjusted to account for the fact that each parent's entries may include both agency records and settlement announcements for the same case; or else a penalty covering multiple locations may be listed in the individual records for each of the facilities. They are also adjusted to reflect cases in which federal and state or local agencies cooperated and issued separate announcements of the outcome. Duplicate or overlapping penalty amounts are marked with an asterisk in the individual records list below.
Top 10 Current Parent CompaniesTotal Penalty $Number of Records
Bank of America$87,320,969,499333
JPMorgan Chase$40,164,908,209281
Wells Fargo$27,618,169,231268
Deutsche Bank$20,015,467,563100
Goldman Sachs$17,919,491,249115
NatWest Group PLC$14,264,317,61841
Morgan Stanley$10,924,502,443207
BNP Paribas$10,363,464,66623

Individual Penalty Records:

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CompanyCurrent Parent sort iconPrimary Offense TypeYearAgencyPenalty Amount
Wintrust Financial CorporationWintrust Financial Corp.banking violation2019FED$1,012,500
Towers PerrinWillis Towers Watsonwage and hour violation2005WHD$105,865
Towers, Perrin, Forrester & CrosbyWillis Towers Watsonwage and hour violation2005WHD$294,279
Towers PerrinWillis Towers Watsonwage and hour violation2004WHD$376,093
Watson Wyatt & Co.Willis Towers Watsonlabor relations violation2005NLRB$91,000
Willis GroupWillis Towers Watsonemployment discrimination2011private lawsuit-federal$11,595,038
Willis GroupWillis Towers Watsonemployment discrimination2008private lawsuit-federal$12,757,949
Willis Group Holdings Ltd.Willis Towers Watsonconsumer protection violation2007FL-AG$2,600,000
Willis Group Holdings Ltd.Willis Towers Watsonprice-fixing or anti-competitive practices2005NY-AG$50,000,000
Watson Wyatt & CompanyWillis Towers WatsonFalse Claims Act and related2005USAO$689,828
Towers PerrinWillis Towers Watsonbenefit plan administrator violation2011private lawsuit-federal$9,200,000
Willis Group Holdings Ltd.Willis Towers Watsonprice-fixing or anti-competitive practices2012private lawsuit-federal$3,727,272
Willis Towers Watson Northeast, Inc.Willis Towers Watsoninsurance violation2023TX-INS$13,075
Willis Towers Watson Northeast Inc.Willis Towers Watsoninsurance violation2024NY-DFS$160,800
Willis Towers Watson Insurance Services West IncWillis Towers Watsoninsurance violation2024TX-INS$14,750
Willis Towers Watson Northeast, Inc.Willis Towers Watsoninsurance violation2024TX-INS$9,150
WEX Bank and Higher One, Inc.WEX Inc.banking violation2015FDIC$34,980,000
WEX Inc.WEX Inc.investor protection violation2021SEC$350,000
Westpac Banking CorporationWestpac Bankingprice-fixing or anti-competitive practices2022private lawsuit-federal$25,000,000
Ruesch International, Inc.Western Unioneconomic sanction violation2004OFAC$7,811
Western Union CompanyWestern Unionanti-money-laundering deficiencies2017DOJ_CRIMINAL$586,000,000
Western Union Financial Services, Inc.Western Unioneconomic sanction violation2019OFAC$401,697
Western Union Co.Western Unionconsumer protection violation2017MULTI-AG$5,000,000
Western Union Financial ServicesWestern Unionconsumer protection violation2005MULTI-AG$8,529,000
Western Union Financial Services, Inc.Western Unionanti-money-laundering deficiencies2010MULTI-AG$94,000,000
Western Union Financial Services, Inc.Western Unionconsumer protection violation2008AZ-DIFI$2,000,000
Western Union International Services LLCWestern Unionconsumer protection violation2019FL-OFR$10,000
Western Union Financial Services, Inc.Western Unionanti-money-laundering deficiencies2002NY-DFS$8,000,000
Western UnionWestern Unionanti-money-laundering deficiencies2018NY-DFS$60,000,000
Western Union Co.Western Unionconsumer protection violation2016private lawsuit-federal$133,000,000
Western Union Co.Western Unionconsumer protection violation2000private lawsuit-federal$375,000,000
WESTERN UNIONWestern Unionworkplace safety or health violation2015OSHA$11,000
Gerber Life Insurance CompanyWestern & Southern Financial Groupwage and hour violation2009WHD$172,799
Gerber Life Insurance Co.Western & Southern Financial Groupinsurance violation2011MD-INS$5,000
Gerber Life Insurance Co.Western & Southern Financial Groupinsurance violation2013MD-INS$14,000
Gerber Life Insurance Co.Western & Southern Financial Groupinsurance violation2017MD-INS$8,000
National Integrity Life Insurance CompanyWestern & Southern Financial Groupinsurance violation2018NY-DFS$240,000
Gerber Life Insurance Co.Western & Southern Financial Groupinsurance violation2000WA-INS$350,000
Western and Southern Life Insurance CompanyWestern & Southern Financial Groupinsurance violation2005MULTI-FIN$2,400,000
Gerber Life Insurance Co.Western & Southern Financial Groupinsurance violation2020NC-INS$3,635,665
National Integrity Life Insurance CompanyWestern & Southern Financial Groupinsurance violation2020NY-DFS$20,000
Gerber Life Insurance Co.Western & Southern Financial Groupinsurance violation2022UT-INS$317,750
Gerber Life Insurance CompanyWestern & Southern Financial Groupinsurance violation2022VA-INS$27,600
Western & Southern LifeWestern & Southern Financial Groupwage and hour violation2021MI-LEO$20,000
Western & Southern LifeWestern & Southern Financial Groupwage and hour violation2021MI-LEO$7,000
Wachovia Bank N.A.Wells Fargoprice-fixing or anti-competitive practices2011DOJ_ANTITRUST$148,000,000
Wells FargoWells Fargoconsumer protection violation2015CFPB$34,800,000
Wells Fargo Bank, National AssociationWells Fargobanking violation2015OCC$4,000,000
Wells FargoWells Fargobanking violation2013OCC$1,991,141,181
Wells Fargo Bank, National AssociationWells Fargobanking violation2011OCC$34,500,000
Wachovia Bank N.A.Wells Fargobanking violation2010OCC$50,000,000
Wells Fargo & CompanyWells Fargobanking violation2012FED$87,000,000
Wells Fargo & CompanyWells Fargobanking violation2011FED$85,000,000
Wachovia BankWells Fargoanti-money-laundering deficiencies2010FINCEN$110,000,000
Wells Fargo Bank, National AssociationWells FargoFalse Claims Act and related2016DOJ_CIVIL$1,200,000,000
Wells Fargo & CompanyWells Fargomortgage abuses2012DOJ$5,342,200,000
Wells Fargo Advisors LLCWells Fargoinvestor protection violation2014SEC$5,000,000
Wells FargoWells Fargotoxic securities abuses2012SEC$6,500,000
Wells Fargo Securities LLCWells Fargotoxic securities abuses2011SEC$11,000,000
Wells FargoWells Fargotoxic securities abuses2013FHFA$591,000,000
Wells Fargo Bank, National AssociationWells Fargotoxic securities abuses2013FHFA$869,000,000
WachoviaWells Fargotoxic securities abuses2015NCUA$53,000,000
Wells Fargo BankWells Fargomortgage abuses2012DOJ_RIGHTS$234,300,000
Wells Fargo & CompanyWells FargoAmericans with Disabilities Act2011DOJ_RIGHTS$16,055,000
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.Wells Fargobanking violation2016OCC$70,000,000
Wells Fargo BankWells Fargoconsumer protection violation2016CFPB$4,010,000
Wells Fargo BankWells Fargobanking violation2016CFPB$100,000,000
Wells Fargo BankWells Fargobanking violation2016OCC$35,000,000
A.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc.Wells Fargoinvestor protection violation2003CFTC$45,000
Prudential Securities, Inc.Wells Fargoinvestor protection violation2002CFTC$65,000
WELLS FARGO FINANCIAL BANKWells Fargobanking violation2009FDIC$125,000
A.G. Edwards and Sons Inc.Wells Fargoeconomic sanction violation2008OFAC$122,358
Wachovia BankWells Fargoeconomic sanction violation2007OFAC$11,000
Wachovia BankWells Fargoeconomic sanction violation2005OFAC$5,500
Wells Fargo BankWells Fargoeconomic sanction violation2005OFAC$42,833
First Union BankWells Fargoeconomic sanction violation2004OFAC$18,740
Wachovia BankWells Fargoeconomic sanction violation2004OFAC$11,000
Wells Fargo BankWells Fargoeconomic sanction violation2003OFAC$5,500
Wells Fargo Bank, National AssociationWells Fargobanking violation2009OCC$51,205
Wachovia Bank, National AssociationWells Fargobanking violation2008OCC$168,900,000
Wells Fargo Bank, National AssociationWells Fargobanking violation2005OCC$115,000
Evergreen Investment Management Company LLCWells Fargoinvestor protection violation2009SEC$40,000,000
Evergreen Investment Management CompanyWells Fargoinvestor protection violation2007SEC$32,500,000
A.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc.Wells Fargoinvestor protection violation2007SEC$3,860,000
A.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc.Wells Fargoinvestor protection violation2006SEC$125,000
Wachovia Capital Markets, LLCWells Fargoinvestor protection violation2006SEC$125,000
Wachovia CorporationWells Fargoinvestor protection violation2004SEC$37,000,000
Strong Capital Management, Inc.Wells Fargoinvestor protection violation2004SEC$80,000,000
Wachovia Securities, LLCWells Fargoinvestor protection violation2004SEC$4,844,465
Prudential Securities, Inc.Wells Fargoinvestor protection violation2003SEC$382,000
Prudential Securities IncorporatedWells Fargoinvestor protection violation2000SEC$5,880,000
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.Wells Fargoinvestor protection violation2016CFTC$400,000
Wells Fargo Bank N.A.Wells Fargoconsumer protection violation2016DOJ_RIGHTS$4,100,000
Wells Fargo Home MortgageWells Fargodiscriminatory practices (non-employment)2014HUD$5,000,000
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.Wells Fargoemployment discrimination2014EEOC$290,000
Wells Fargo & CompanyWells Fargoemployment discrimination2014EEOC$295,000
Wells FargoWells Fargoemployment discrimination2015OFCCP$14,000
Wells Fargo Bank, N. A.Wells FargoFamily and Medical Leave Act2016WHD$11,874
Wells Fargo Bank NAWells Fargowage and hour violation2011WHD$31,770
Wells Fargo BankWells FargoFamily and Medical Leave Act2006WHD$5,152
Wells Fargo Bank, National AssociationWells Fargowage and hour violation2004WHD$228,209
(*): Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting.