Deutsche Bank Securities Inc. | Deutsche Bank | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2018 | CFTC | $70,000,000 |
BNP Paribas USA Inc. | BNP Paribas | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2018 | DOJ_ANTITRUST | $90,000,000 |
Banc of America Securities LLC | Bank of America | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2010 | SEC | $36,096,442 |
BNP Paribas Securities Corp. | BNP Paribas | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2018 | CFTC | $90,000,000 |
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. | JPMorgan Chase | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2018 | CFTC | $65,000,000 |
Societe Generale S.A. | Societe Generale | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2018 | CFTC | $475,000,000 |
Bank of America, N.A. | Bank of America | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2018 | CFTC | $30,000,000 |
ICAP Capital Markets LLC | CME Group | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2018 | CFTC | $50,000,000 |
Banca IMI Securities Corp. | Intesa Sanpaolo | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2019 | DOJ_ANTITRUST | $2,000,000 |
ACE Group | Chubb Limited | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2011 | OH-AG | $1,970,000 |
ACE Limited | Chubb Limited | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2007 | PA-AG | $9,000,000 |
ACE Group Holdings, Inc. | Chubb Limited | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2007 | MULTI-AG | $4,500,000 |
ACE, Ltd | Chubb Limited | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2006 | MULTI-AG | $80,000,000 |
American International Group | American International Group | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2006 | NY-AG | (*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $1,619,000,000 |
American International Group | American International Group | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2010 | OH-AG | $9,000,000 |
American International Group, Inc. | American International Group | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2008 | MULTI-AG | $12,500,000 |
Aon Corporation | Aon | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2005 | MULTI-AG | $190,000,000 |
Bank of America | Bank of America | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2010 | MULTI-AG | (*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $67,000,000 |
Barclays Bank PLC | Barclays | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2016 | MULTI-AG | $100,000,000 |
Chubb | Chubb Limited | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2006 | MULTI-AG | $17,000,000 |
Citibank | Citigroup | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2018 | MULTI-AG | $100,000,000 |
Deutsche Bank | Deutsche Bank | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2017 | MULTI-AG | $220,000,000 |
E*Trade | Morgan Stanley | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2012 | MULTI-AG | $100,000 |
Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. | Hartford Financial Services | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2009 | CT-AG | $1,300,000 |
Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. | Hartford Financial Services | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2007 | MULTI-AG | $115,000,000 |
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Financial Services LLC | Industrial and Commercial Bank of China | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2019 | DOJ_ANTITRUST | $3,000,000 |
JPMorgan Chase | JPMorgan Chase | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2011 | MULTI-AG | (*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $75,000,000 |
JPMorgan Chase and Co. | JPMorgan Chase | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2014 | WV-AG | $400,000 |
Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. | Marsh & McLennan | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2005 | MULTI-AG | $850,000,000 |
Marsh and McLennan | Marsh & McLennan | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2009 | MULTI-AG | $7,000,000 |
Mastercard International Inc. | MasterCard | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2008 | WV-AG | $6,400,000 |
Merrill Lynch Commodities Inc. | Bank of America | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2019 | DOJ_CRIMINAL | $25,000,000 |
Royal Bank of Canada | Royal Bank of Canada | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2013 | WV-AG | $175,000 |
Societe Generale | Societe Generale | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2016 | MULTI-AG | $26,750,000 |
St. Paul Travelers | Travelers | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2006 | MULTI-AG | $77,000,000 |
TravelersCompanies, Inc. | Travelers | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2007 | MULTI-AG | $6,000,000 |
UBS AG | UBS | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2018 | MULTI-AG | $68,000,000 |
UBS AG | UBS | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2011 | MULTI-AG | (*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $90,800,000 |
UBS AG | UBS | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2016 | WV-AG | $325,000 |
Visa USA Inc. | Visa | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2008 | WV-AG | $6,400,000 |
Wachovia Bank N.A. | Wells Fargo | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2011 | MULTI-AG | (*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $58,750,000 |
Willis Group Holdings Ltd. | Willis Towers Watson | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2005 | NY-AG | $50,000,000 |
Zurich American Insurance Company | Zurich Insurance | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2006 | MULTI-AG | $171,700,000 |
Zurich American Insurance Company | Zurich Insurance | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2006 | OH-AG | $7,000,000 |
Barclays PLC | Barclays | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2018 | DOJ_CRIMINAL | $12,896,011 |
BGC Financial LP | BGC Partners | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2019 | NY-AG | $7,500,000 |
GFI Securities LLC | BGC Partners | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2019 | NY-AG | $5,000,000 |
Deutsche Bank | Deutsche Bank | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2015 | NY-DFS | $600,000,000 |
Barclays Bank PLC | Barclays | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2015 | NY-DFS | $485,000,000 |
Barclays Bank PLC | Barclays | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2015 | NY-DFS | $150,000,000 |
BNP Paribas S.A. | BNP Paribas | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2017 | NY-DFS | $350,000,000 |
Credit Suisse AG | UBS | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2017 | NY-DFS | $135,000,000 |
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. | Goldman Sachs | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2018 | NY-DFS | $54,750,000 |
Deutsche Bank AG | Deutsche Bank | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2018 | NY-DFS | $205,000,000 |
Standard Chartered Bank | Standard Chartered | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2019 | NY-DFS | $40,000,000 |
Bank of Nova Scotia | Scotiabank | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2020 | DOJ_CRIMINAL | $60,400,000 |
Glencore International A.G. | Glencore | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2022 | CFTC | $1,186,000,000 |
Stewart Title Guaranty Corporation | Stewart Information Services | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2022 | NY-AG | $2,500,000 |
American International Group Inc. | American International Group | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2012 | private lawsuit-federal | $3,727,272 |
Aon Corporation | Aon | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2012 | private lawsuit-federal | $3,727,272 |
Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. | Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2007 | private lawsuit-federal | $28,000,000 |
Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd. | Australia and New Zealand Banking Group | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2022 | private lawsuit-federal | $35,500,000 |
Australia and New Zealand Banking Group, Ltd. | Australia and New Zealand Banking Group | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2022 | private lawsuit-federal | $7,000,000 |
Bank of America | Bank of America | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2022 | private lawsuit-federal | $26,420,000 |
Bank of America N.A. | Bank of America | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2020 | private lawsuit-federal | $5,000,000 |
Bank of America N.A. | Bank of America | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2020 | private lawsuit-federal | $6,250,000 |
Bank of America N.A. | Bank of America | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2020 | private lawsuit-federal | $1,500,000 |
Bank of America N.A. | Bank of America | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2018 | private lawsuit-federal | $187,500,000 |
Bank of America N.A. | Bank of America | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2018 | private lawsuit-federal | $50,000,000 |
Bank of America N.A. | Bank of America | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2021 | private lawsuit-federal | $17,000,000 |
Bank of America N.A. | Bank of America | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2014 | private lawsuit-federal | $20,000,000 |
Bank of AmericaCorp. | Bank of America | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2016 | private lawsuit-federal | $155,333,333 |
Bank of America, N.A. | Bank of America | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2022 | private lawsuit-federal | $7,000,000 |
Bank of Nova Scotia | Scotiabank | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2022 | private lawsuit-federal | $12,500,000 |
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. | Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2018 | private lawsuit-federal | $10,500,000 |
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. | Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2018 | private lawsuit-federal | $30,000,000 |
Barclays Bank PLC | Barclays | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2020 | private lawsuit-federal | $7,100,000 |
Barclays Bank PLC | Barclays | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2020 | private lawsuit-federal | $19,975,000 |
Barclays Bank PLC | Barclays | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2018 | private lawsuit-federal | $120,000,000 |
Barclays Bank PLC | Barclays | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2018 | private lawsuit-federal | $384,000,000 |
Barclays Bank PLC | Barclays | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2018 | private lawsuit-federal | $30,000,000 |
Barclays Bank PLC | Barclays | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2022 | private lawsuit-federal | $12,500,000 |
Barclays Bank PLC | Barclays | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2018 | private lawsuit-federal | $29,000,000 |
Barclays Bank PLC | Barclays | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2022 | private lawsuit-federal | $7,000,000 |
Barclays Capital Inc. | Barclays | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2020 | private lawsuit-federal | $87,000,000 |
Barclays PLC | Barclays | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2018 | private lawsuit-federal | $94,000,000 |
Barclays PLC | Barclays | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2021 | private lawsuit-federal | $5,700,000 |
BarclaysPLC | Barclays | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2016 | private lawsuit-federal | $155,333,333 |
BNP Paribas Group | BNP Paribas | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2018 | private lawsuit-federal | $115,000,000 |
BNP Paribas SA | BNP Paribas | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2018 | private lawsuit-federal | $33,500,000 |
BNP Paribas SA | BNP Paribas | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2022 | private lawsuit-federal | $8,000,000 |
BNP Paribas Securities Corp. | BNP Paribas | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2020 | private lawsuit-federal | $20,833,333 |
BNP ParibasSA | BNP Paribas | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2016 | private lawsuit-federal | $155,333,333 |
BNP Paribas, S.A. | BNP Paribas | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2022 | private lawsuit-federal | $7,000,000 |
Cantor Fitzgerald & Co. | Cantor Fitzgerald | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2020 | private lawsuit-federal | $20,833,333 |
Chase Bank USA et al. | JPMorgan Chase | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2022 | private lawsuit-federal | $19,500,000 |
Chicago Board Options Exchange | CBOE Holdings | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2006 | private lawsuit-federal | $2,468,410 |
Citibank N.A. | Citigroup | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2020 | private lawsuit-federal | $7,025,000 |
Citibank N.A. | Citigroup | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2020 | private lawsuit-federal | $33,400,000 |
Citibank N.A. | Citigroup | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2018 | private lawsuit-federal | $130,000,000 |
Citibank N.A. | Citigroup | price-fixing or anti-competitive practices | 2019 | private lawsuit-federal | $91,250,000 |