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Violation Tracker Industry Summary Page

Industry: oil and gas
Penalty Total since 2000$56,243,846,277
Number of Records: 6,784
Note: The totals include only those entries matched to a parent company. The industry designation is the primary one for the parent's operations overall. The totals are adjusted to account for the fact that each parent's entries may include both agency records and settlement announcements for the same case; or else a penalty covering multiple locations may be listed in the individual records for each of the facilities. They are also adjusted to reflect cases in which federal and state or local agencies cooperated and issued separate announcements of the outcome. Duplicate or overlapping penalty amounts are marked with an asterisk in the individual records list below.
Top 10 Current Parent CompaniesTotal Penalty $Number of Records
Occidental Petroleum$5,444,736,134264
Exxon Mobil$3,350,645,883631
Marathon Petroleum$1,578,864,782386
Shell PLC$1,342,785,360468
Valero Energy$1,194,249,059338
Phillips 66$808,940,809434
TotalEnergies SE$532,006,220152

Individual Penalty Records:

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CompanyCurrent ParentPrimary Offense TypeYearAgency sort iconPenalty Amount
BP PRODUCTS NORTH AMERICA INCBPair pollution violation2015IN-ENV$12,500
SABIC INNOVATIVE PLASTICS MT VERNON LLCSaudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco)air pollution violation2013IN-ENV$17,600
BP PRODUCTS NORTH AMERICA INCBPhazardous waste violation2010IN-ENV$16,200
SABIC INNOVATIVE PLASTICS MT VERNON LLCSaudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco)hazardous waste violation2010IN-ENV$17,400
BP PRODUCTS NORTH AMERICA INCBPhazardous waste violation2007IN-ENV$8,750
CITGO PETROLEUM COPDVSA (Petroleos de Venezuela S.A.)hazardous waste violation2004IN-ENV$11,400
EXXONMOBIL OIL CORP R0535Exxon Mobilhazardous waste violation2003IN-ENV$40,125
EQUILON ENTERPRISES LLCShell PLCsolid waste violation2002IN-ENV$31,200
EQUILON ENTERPRISES, LLCShell PLCsolid waste violation2002IN-ENV$31,200
BP Products North America, Inc.BPenvironmental violation2021IN-ENV$34,562
BP Products North America, Inc.BPenvironmental violation2021IN-ENV$12,400
BP Products North America Inc.BPair pollution violation2021IN-ENV$246,750
BP Products North America Inc.BPenvironmental violation2022IN-ENV$23,650
BP Products North America Inc.BPhazardous waste violation2023IN-ENV$381,270
BP Products North America Inc.BPenvironmental violation2023IN-ENV$58,500
BP Products North America Inc.BPenvironmental violation2023IN-ENV$58,500
Valero Renewable Fuels Company, LLCValero Energyenvironmental violation2023IN-ENV$17,500
BP Products North America Inc.BPair pollution violation2023IN-ENV$33,000
BP Products North America Inc.BPair pollution violation2024IN-ENV$8,750
PREMCOR REFINING GROUPValero Energysolid waste violation2018IL-ENV$550,000
PHILLIPS 66 AND WRB REFININGPhillips 66air pollution violation2018IL-ENV$257,500
MARATHON PIPELINE LLCMarathon Petroleumwater pollution violation2018IL-ENV$136,094
SHELL OIL COShell PLCsolid waste violation2018IL-ENV$30,000
PHILLIPS 66 CARRIER LLC and PHILLIPS 66 PIPELINE LLCPhillips 66water pollution violation2018IL-ENV$120,000
BP PIPELINES NORTH AMERICA INCBPwater pollution violation2017IL-ENV$185,000
CHEVRON ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CO.Chevronsolid waste violation2017IL-ENV$80,000
SHELL OIL CO INCShell PLCsolid waste violation2016IL-ENV$7,000
PHILLIPS 66/CONOCO PHILLIPS/WRB REFININGPhillips 66water pollution violation2016IL-ENV$125,000
EXXON MOBIL OIL CORPExxon Mobilair pollution violation2016IL-ENV$291,173
CITGO PETROLEUMPDVSA (Petroleos de Venezuela S.A.)environmental violation2015IL-ENV$110,000
MARATHON PETROLEUMMarathon Petroleumair pollution violation2015IL-ENV$95,000
EXXONMOBIL OIL CORPExxon Mobilair pollution violation2014IL-ENV$50,000
CHEVRON ENV.Chevronsolid waste violation2013IL-ENV$80,000
EXXON MOBIL OIL CORPExxon Mobilenvironmental violation2012IL-ENV$300,000
CONOCOPHILLIPS USAPhillips 66air pollution violation2012IL-ENV$10,500
EXXONMOBIL OIL CORPORATIONExxon Mobilair pollution violation2012IL-ENV$25,000
EXXON MOBILExxon Mobilair pollution violation2011IL-ENV$7,303
PREMCOR REFININGValero Energysolid waste violation2011IL-ENV$425,000
EXXONMOBILExxon Mobilair pollution violation2011IL-ENV$13,975
CHEVRON ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CO.Chevronsolid waste violation2010IL-ENV$420,000
BP PRODUCTSBPsolid waste violation2009IL-ENV$200,000
CITGO PETROLEUM CORPORATIONPDVSA (Petroleos de Venezuela S.A.)solid waste violation2009IL-ENV$5,000
CONOCOPHILLIPSPhillips 66environmental violation2008IL-ENV$27,100
CHEVRON ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICESChevronsolid waste violation2008IL-ENV$70,000
EXXONMOBILExxon Mobilair pollution violation2007IL-ENV$13,750
TEXACO REFINING AND MARKETINGChevronsolid waste violation2007IL-ENV$12,500
EXXONMOBIL OIL CORPExxon Mobilwater pollution violation2007IL-ENV$50,000
CHEVRON ENVIRONMENTALChevronsolid waste violation2007IL-ENV$70,000
The Premcor Refining Group Inc., Clark Refining & Marketing, Inc.Valero Energyunderground storage tank violation2006IL-ENV$500,000
Exxon Mobil CorporationExxon Mobilhazardous waste violation2005IL-ENV$650,000
Shell Oil Company and Shell Pipe Line CorporationShell PLCoil spill2005IL-ENV$1,332,932
Mobil Pipe Line CompanyExxon Mobilair pollution violation2005IL-ENV$10,000
ExxonMobil Oil CorporationExxon Mobilwater pollution violation2005IL-ENV$110,000
Shell Pipeline Company LPShell PLChazardous waste violation2005IL-ENV$155,000
Chevron Environmental Services CompanyChevronwater pollution violation2004IL-ENV$400,000
ConocoPhillipsPhillips 66environmental violation2004IL-ENV$35,386
Marathon Ashland Pipeline, L.L.CMarathon Petroleumenvironmental violation2004IL-ENV$55,000
Shell Oil Company, Inc.Shell PLCunderground storage tank violation2004IL-ENV$200,000
Exxon Mobil CorporationExxon Mobilwater pollution violation2003IL-ENV$50,000
Shell Oil Company and Johnson Oil CompanyShell PLCunderground storage tank violation2003IL-ENV$40,000
Amoco Oil CompanyBPunderground storage tank violation2003IL-ENV$2,000,000
Williams Pipe Line Company, LLCWilliams Companieswater pollution violation2002IL-ENV$162,024
Petroleum Fuel & Terminal CompanyApex Oilair pollution violation2002IL-ENV$80,000
Amoco Oil CompanyBPunderground storage tank violation2002IL-ENV$1,120,000
The Premcor Refining Group Inc.Valero Energywater pollution violation2002IL-ENV$3,149,000
Equilon Enterprises, Inc.Shell PLCwater pollution violation2002IL-ENV$35,000
Marathon Pipe Line LLC and Henrichs Drainage II LLCMarathon Petroleumenvironmental violation2022IL-ENV$41,873
CitgoPDVSA (Petroleos de Venezuela S.A.)environmental violation2023IL-ENV$5,000
Phillips 66 Wood River RefineryPhillips 66wage and hour violation2022IL-DOL$7,050
Phillips 66 Wood River refineryPhillips 66wage and hour violation2022IL-DOL$7,050
BP PRODUCTS NORTH AMERICABPwage and hour violation2021IL-DOL$29,760
BP PRODUCTS NORTH AMERICABPwage and hour violation2021IL-DOL$29,760
CITGO PETROLEUM CORPORATIONPDVSA (Petroleos de Venezuela S.A.)wage and hour violation2021IL-DOL$25,954
CITGO Petroleum Corp.PDVSA (Petroleos de Venezuela S.A.)consumer protection violation2014IL-CDBACP$45,000
Amoco Oil Co.BPunderground storage tank violation2002IL-AG$1,120,000
Apex Oil Company Inc.Apex Oilenvironmental violation2016IL-AG$10,000,000
Chevron Environmental ServicesChevronenvironmental violation2004IL-AG$350,000
Citgo PetroleumPDVSA (Petroleos de Venezuela S.A.)air pollution violation2001IL-AG$120,000
ExxonMobil Oil Corp.Exxon Mobilenvironmental violation2012IL-AG$70,000
ExxonMobil Oil Corp.Exxon Mobilair pollution violation2005IL-AG$281,846
Kerr-McGee Chemical, LLCOccidental Petroleumenvironmental violation2005IL-AG$100,000
Marathon Ashland Pipeline, LLCMarathon Petroleumenvironmental violation2003IL-AG$55,000
Marathon Oil Co.ConocoPhillipsoil spill2001IL-AG$400,000
Marathon Oil Co.ConocoPhillipsunderground storage tank violation2000IL-AG$22,000
Petroleum Fuel & Terminal CoApex Oilenvironmental violation2002IL-AG$22,000
Phillips 66 Co. et al.Phillips 66environmental violation2016IL-AG$125,000
Premcor Refining GroupValero Energyenvironmental violation2018IL-AG$500,000
Premcor Refining GroupValero Energyunderground storage tank violation2006IL-AG$1,062,343
Premcor Refining GroupValero Energyenvironmental violation2004IL-AG$191,622
Premcor Refining GroupValero Energyenvironmental violation2002IL-AG$3,100,000
Premcor Refining GroupValero Energyair pollution violation2001IL-AG(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $800,000
Shell Oil Co.Shell PLCenvironmental violation2005IL-AG$275,000
Shell Oil Co.Shell PLCunderground storage tank violation2003IL-AG$200,000
Shell Pipeline Company LPShell PLCenvironmental violation2005IL-AG$155,000
Texaco Exploration and ProductionChevronenvironmental violation2002IL-AG$70,000
Texaco Inc.Chevronenvironmental violation2011IL-AG$1,700,000
Texas Eastern Products Pipeline Company, LLCEnterprise Products Partnersenvironmental violation2005IL-AG$70,000
Tosco Refining Co.Phillips 66lead violation2001IL-AG$25,000
TravelCenters of America, Inc.BPoil spill2004IL-AG$25,000
Williams Pipe Line Co.Williams Companiesenvironmental violation2002IL-AG$146,000
TESORO LOGISTICS OPERATIONS LLCMarathon Petroleumair pollution violation2019ID-ENV$59,400
(*): Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting.