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Violation Tracker Industry Summary Page

Industry: utilities and power generation
Penalty Total since 2000$50,644,784,833
Number of Records: 3,182
Note: The totals include only those entries matched to a parent company. The industry designation is the primary one for the parent's operations overall. The totals are adjusted to account for the fact that each parent's entries may include both agency records and settlement announcements for the same case; or else a penalty covering multiple locations may be listed in the individual records for each of the facilities. They are also adjusted to reflect cases in which federal and state or local agencies cooperated and issued separate announcements of the outcome. Duplicate or overlapping penalty amounts are marked with an asterisk in the individual records list below.
Top 10 Current Parent CompaniesTotal Penalty $Number of Records
PG&E Corp.$20,000,155,735137
American Electric Power$4,798,381,235114
Dominion Energy$3,951,930,06367
Duke Energy$2,953,306,709106
Sempra Energy$2,045,797,29598
Hawaiian Electric Industries$1,990,557,52316
NRG Energy$1,390,149,517105
Edison International$1,360,081,71887
Alliant Energy$1,027,644,49716

Individual Penalty Records:

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Company sort iconCurrent ParentPrimary Offense TypeYearAgencyPenalty Amount
Reliant EnergyNRG Energyenergy market violation2003FERC$13,800,000
Reliant EnergyNRG Energyenvironmental violation2005OH-ENV$25,125
RELIANT ENERGYNRG Energyworkplace safety or health violation2002OSHA$25,000
RELIANT ENERGYNRG Energyworkplace safety or health violation2002OSHA$14,000
Reliant EnergyNRG Energyenvironmental violation2003EPA$6,600
Reliance Electric, Inc.ABB Ltd.wage and hour violation2012WHD$209,007
REC SILICON, INC.REC Siliconbenefit plan administrator violation2008EBSA$50,001
REC SILICON LLCREC Siliconworkplace safety or health violation2009OSHA$50,000
REC SILICON LLCREC Siliconworkplace safety or health violation2012OSHA$7,200
REC Silicon IncREC Siliconbenefit plan administrator violation2009EBSA$10,001
Raizen Energia SA and Raizen Trading SARaizeninvestor protection violation2024CFTC$750,000
PUGET SOUND ENERGY INCPuget Sound Energyworkplace safety or health violation2001OSHA$33,450
PUGET SOUND ENERGY INCPuget Sound Energyworkplace safety or health violation2004OSHA$5,250
PUGET SOUND ENERGY INCPuget Sound Energyworkplace safety or health violation2013OSHA$7,200
PUGET SOUND ENERGY INCPuget Sound Energyworkplace safety or health violation2016OSHA$5,400
PUGET SOUND ENERGY INCPuget Sound Energyworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$8,400
PUGET SOUND ENERGY INCPuget Sound Energyworkplace safety or health violation2023OSHA$14,700
Puget Sound Energy IncPuget Sound Energyenvironmental violation2008EPA$471,900
Puget Sound EnergyPuget Sound Energyenergy market violation2009FERC$800,000
Puget Sound EnergyPuget Sound Energywater pollution violation2008private lawsuit-state$4,966,000
Puget Sound EnergyPuget Sound Energyutility safety violation2021WA-UTC$5,000
Puget Sound EnergyPuget Sound Energyutility safety violation2021WA-UTC$5,000
Puget Sound EnergyPuget Sound Energyutility safety violation2021WA-UTC$5,000
Puget Sound EnergyPuget Sound Energyutility safety violation2017WA-UTC$1,500,000
Puget Sound EnergyPuget Sound Energyutility safety violation2013WA-UTC$275,000
Puget Sound EnergyPuget Sound Energyutility safety violation2008WA-UTC$1,250,000
Puget Sound EnergyPuget Sound Energyutility safety violation2005WA-UTC$90,000
Puget Sound EnergyPuget Sound Energyutility safety violation2005WA-UTC$15,000
Puget Sound EnergyPuget Sound Energyutility safety violation2005WA-UTC$500,000
Puget Sound EnergyPuget Sound Energyutility safety violation2002WA-UTC$50,000
Puget Sound EnergyPuget Sound Energyair pollution violation2018WA-NCAA$5,000
Puget Sound EnergyPuget Sound Energyair pollution violation2022WA-NCAA$7,500
PUBLIC SERVICE OF COLORADOXcel Energyenvironmental violation2013EPA$14,400
PUBLIC SERVICE ENTERPRISE GROUP INC.Public Service Enterpriseworkplace safety or health violation2018OSHA$39,000
PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC AND GAS COMPANYPublic Service Enterpriseworkplace safety or health violation2001OSHA$8,500
PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC AND GAS COMPANYPublic Service Enterpriseworkplace safety or health violation2011OSHA$7,000
PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC AND GAS COMPANYPublic Service Enterpriseenvironmental violation2001EPA$17,160
Public Service Electric and Gas (PSE&G)Public Service Enterpriseenvironmental violation2012EPA$14,460
Public Service Electric & Gas CompanyPublic Service Enterpriseutility safety violation2015NJ-BPU$275,000
Public Service Electric & Gas CompanyPublic Service Enterpriseutility safety violation2012NJ-BPU$150,000
Public Service Electric & Gas CompanyPublic Service Enterpriseutility safety violation2008NJ-BPU$40,000
Public Service Electric & Gas CompanyPublic Service Enterpriseenergy market violation2024FERC$6,600,000
PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC & GASPublic Service Enterpriseworkplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$11,050
PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC & GASPublic Service Enterpriseworkplace safety or health violation2010OSHA$5,000
Public Service Company of OklahomaAmerican Electric Powerlabor relations violation2004NLRB$6,029,281
PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF OKLAHOMAAmerican Electric Powerworkplace safety or health violation2002OSHA$5,000
PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF OKLAHOMAAmerican Electric Powerworkplace safety or health violation2023OSHA$31,250
Public Service Company of New Mexico, Inc., its subsidiary, Avistar, Inc., and Public Service Company of New Mexico, Inc. d/b/a Manzano EnergyPNM Resourceslabor relations violation2003NLRB$342,374
Public Service Company of New Mexico and PNMR Services Co.PNM Resourcesemployment discrimination2023EEOC$750,000
Public Service Company of New MexicoPNM Resourcesenvironmental violation2015EPA$3,800,000
Public Service Company of New MexicoPNM Resourcesenvironmental violation2011NM-ENV$125,000
Public Service Company of New MexicoPNM Resourcesenvironmental violation2011NM-ENV$67,600
Public Service Company of New MexicoPNM Resourcesenvironmental violation2008NM-ENV$121,170
Public Service Company of New MexicoPNM Resourcesutility service violation2014NM-PRC$5,000
Public Service Company of New MexicoPNM Resourcesutility safety violation2010NM-PRC$371,000
Public Service Company of New MexicoPNM Resourcesutility safety violation2009NM-PRC$15,000
Public Service Company of New MexicoPNM Resourcesconsumer protection violation2023NM-AG$115,000,000
Public Service Company of New HampshireEverSource Energyenvironmental violation2010NH-ENV$53,000
PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NEW HAMPSHIREEverSource Energyworkplace safety or health violation2000OSHA$14,000
PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO DBA XCEL ENERGYXcel Energyworkplace safety or health violation2009OSHA$5,000
Public Service Company of Colorado d/b/a Xcel EnergyXcel Energylabor relations violation2006NLRB$26,580
Public Service Company of Colorado (d/b/a Xcel Energy)Xcel Energylabor relations violation2006NLRB$26,508
Public Service Company of ColoradoXcel Energyenvironmental violation2022EPA$925,000
Public Service Company of ColoradoXcel Energyutility safety violation2023CO-PUC$5,000
Public Service Company of ColoradoXcel Energywater pollution violation2024EPA$134,500
PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADOXcel Energyworkplace safety or health violation2012OSHA$7,000
PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADOXcel Energyworkplace safety or health violation2015OSHA$7,000
PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADOXcel Energyworkplace safety or health violation2016OSHA$12,675
PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADOXcel Energyworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$16,670
Public Service CompanyXcel Energyair pollution violation2017CO-DPHE$9,600
Public Service CompanyXcel Energyair pollution violation2014CO-DPHE$7,000
Public Service CompanyXcel Energyair pollution violation2013CO-DPHE$8,050
Public Service CompanyXcel Energyair pollution violation2010CO-DPHE$9,600
Public Service CompanyXcel Energyair pollution violation2008CO-DPHE$30,000
Public Service CompanyXcel Energyair pollution violation2000CO-DPHE$25,000
PUBLIC SERVICE CO. OF COLORADO DBA XCEL ENERGYXcel Energyworkplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$150,000
PUBLIC SERVICE CO. OF CO DBA XCEL ENERGYXcel Energyworkplace safety or health violation2010OSHA$7,000
PUBLIC SERVICE CO RIFLE GAS PLANTXcel Energyenvironmental violation2012EPA$50,000
PUBLIC SERVICE CO OF COLORADO DBA XCEL ENERGYXcel Energyworkplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$6,000
PUBLIC SERVICE CO OF COLORADO DBA XCEL ENERGYXcel Energyworkplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$9,000
PUBLIC SERVICE CO BAXTER COMPRESSOR STATIONXcel Energyenvironmental violation2012EPA$50,000
PUBLIC SERVICE COXcel Energyair pollution violation2020CO-DPHE$7,000
PUBLIC SERVICE COXcel Energyenvironmental violation2023CO-DPHE$15,300
PUBLIC SERVICE COXcel Energyenvironmental violation2023CO-DPHE$8,750
PUBLIC SERVICE COXcel Energyenvironmental violation2023CO-DPHE$15,300
PSEG POWER LLC.Public Service Enterpriseworkplace safety or health violation2009OSHA$7,125
PSEG POWER LLCPublic Service Enterpriseworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$11,366
PSEG Power LLCPublic Service Enterpriseenvironmental violation2022EPA$28,988
PSEG Power Connecticut, LLCPublic Service Enterpriseenvironmental violation2019CT-ENV$9,315
PSEG NUCLEAR LLC HOPE CREEKPublic Service Enterpriseworkplace safety or health violation2016OSHA$5,500
PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATIONPublic Service Enterprisewater pollution violation2010NJ-ENV$12,106
PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATIONPublic Service Enterprisewater pollution violation2008NJ-ENV$15,000
PSEG Long IslandPublic Service Enterpriseutility service violation2020NY-PSC$10,000,000
PSEG LAWRENCEBURG ENERGY COAmerican Electric Powerair pollution violation2005IN-ENV$11,000
PSEG FOSSILL LLC SEWAREN GENERATING STATIONPublic Service Enterpriseair pollution violation2004NJ-ENV$23,000
PSEG FOSSILL LLC SEWAREN GENERATING STATIONPublic Service Enterpriseair pollution violation2003NJ-ENV$5,000
PSEG FOSSILL LLC KEARNY GENERATING STATIONPublic Service Enterpriseair pollution violation2008NJ-ENV$13,000
PSEG FOSSIL, LLCPublic Service Enterpriseworkplace safety or health violation2009OSHA$9,500
PSEG FOSSIL LLC SEWAREN GENERATING STATIONPublic Service Enterpriseair pollution violation2009NJ-ENV$16,000
PSEG FOSSIL LLC SEWAREN GENERATING STATIONPublic Service Enterpriseair pollution violation2009NJ-ENV$5,400
PSEG FOSSIL LLC LINDEN GEN ST & PSE&G SNG PLTPublic Service Enterpriseair pollution violation2007NJ-ENV$8,000
(*): Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting.