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306 Violation Tracker results found

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CompanyCurrent ParentCurrent Parent IndustryPrimary Offense TypeYear sort iconAgencyPenalty Amount
Bell Atlantic, VirginiaVerizon Communicationstelecommunicationslabor relations violation2000NLRB$16,000
VERIZONVerizon Communicationstelecommunicationsenvironmental violation2000MA-ENV$22,500
VERIZON PENNSYLVANIA INCVerizon Communicationstelecommunicationsconsumer protection violation2000PA-PUC$16,000
MCI WORLDCOM, INC.Verizon Communicationstelecommunicationsenvironmental violation2000EPA$625,000
BELL ATLANTIC COMPANIESVerizon Communicationstelecommunicationsenvironmental violation2000EPA$16,069
WESTERN WIRELESS CORPVerizon Communicationstelecommunicationsenvironmental violation2000EPA$10,734
(*): Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting.