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Violation Tracker Current Parent Company Summary

Current Parent Company Name: Ameren
Ownership Structure: publicly traded (ticker symbol AEE)
Headquartered in: Missouri
Major Industry: utilities and power generation
Specific Industry: utilities
Penalty total since 2000$285,566,935
Number of records: 30
Top 5 Offense Groups (Groups Defined)Penalty TotalNumber of Records
safety-related offenses$181,262,99011
environment-related offenses$88,652,61613
competition-related offenses$15,000,0001
employment-related offenses$651,3295
Top 5 Primary Offense TypesPenalty TotalNumber of Records
utility safety violation$181,161,7507
air pollution violation$61,012,4712
environmental violation$27,560,1459
energy market violation$15,000,0001
employment discrimination$559,0001
Notes: Parent-subsidiary linkages are based on relationships current as of the latest revision listed in the Update Log, which may vary from what was the case when a violation occurred. The penalty totals are adjusted to account for the fact that the individual entries below may include both agency records and settlement announcements for the same case; or else a penalty covering multiple locations may be listed in the individual records for each of the facilities. The totals are also adjusted to reflect cases in which federal and state or local agencies cooperated and issued separate announcements of the outcome. Duplicate or overlapping penalty amounts are marked with an asterisk in the list below.

Links: For a summary of this company's regulatory penalties in more than 50 other countries, see its Violation Tracker Global summary page here.

Subsidy Tracker data on financial assistance to this company by federal, state and local government agencies can be found here.

Individual Penalty Records:

Click on the company or penalty amount for more information on each case.

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CompanyPrimary Offense Type sort iconYearAgencyPenalty Amount
AMEREN UEworkplace safety or health violation2006OSHA$7,000
AMEREN ILLINOISworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$11,934
AMEREN ILLINOIS COMPANYworkplace safety or health violation2021OSHA$27,306
Amerenutility safety violation2007MO-AG$179,750,000
Ameren-CILCOutility safety violation2014IL-ICC$35,000
Ameren-CILCOutility safety violation2013IL-ICC$100,000
Ameren-CILCOutility safety violation2011IL-ICC$600,000
Ameren Illinois Co.utility safety violation2022IL-ICC$31,500
Ameren Illinois Co.utility safety violation2022IL-ICC$227,250
Ameren Illinois Co.utility safety violation2022IL-ICC$418,000
AMEREN ENERGY RESOURCES GENERATING CO.solid waste violation2016IL-ENV$60,000
UNION ELECTRICsolid waste violation2007IL-ENV$20,000
Union Electric Companynuclear safety violation2001NRC$55,000
Ameren Corporation d/b/a AmerenUElabor relations violation2005NLRB$18,000
Central Illinois Public Service Companylabor relations violation2001NLRB$45,437
Union Electric Companylabor relations violation2000NLRB$8,892
Illinois Power Companylabor relations violation2000NLRB$20,000
Ameren/CIPSenvironmental violation2001IL-AG$50,000
AmerenUEenvironmental violation2005MO-AG$3,400,000
Illinois Power Co. and Dynergy Midwest Generationenvironmental violation2005IL-AG(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $24,000,000
Union Electric Co dba Ameren Missourienvironmental violation2023MO-ENV$10,500
ILLINOIS POWER COMPANYenvironmental violation2005EPA$24,000,000
ILLINOIS POWER COMPANYenvironmental violation2000EPA$25,000
Ameren Corporationenvironmental violation2002EPA$29,875
Ameren Corp., Ameren UEenvironmental violation2006EPA$39,270
Ameren IP and Illinois Power Companyenvironmental violation2006EPA$5,500
AmerenUEenergy market violation2006FERC$15,000,000
Illinois Poweremployment discrimination2002private lawsuit-federal$559,000
UNION ELECTRIC CO. dba Ameren Missouriair pollution violation2024MO-ENV$12,471
Ameren Missouriair pollution violation2024EPA$61,000,000
(*): Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting.