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Violation Tracker Current Parent Company Summary

Current Parent Company Name: Aramark
Ownership Structure: publicly traded (ticker symbol NYSE: ARMK)
Headquartered in: Pennsylvania
Major Industry: restaurants and foodservice
Specific Industry: foodservice
Penalty total since 2000$19,114,728
Number of records: 102
Top 5 Offense Groups (Groups Defined)Penalty TotalNumber of Records
employment-related offenses$10,871,81662
government-contracting-related offenses$7,857,0001
safety-related offenses$379,35238
environment-related offenses$6,5601
Top 5 Primary Offense TypesPenalty TotalNumber of Records
wage and hour violation$9,838,91429
False Claims Act and related$7,857,0001
labor relations violation$733,40230
workplace safety or health violation$379,35238
employment discrimination$299,5003
Notes: Parent-subsidiary linkages are based on relationships current as of the latest revision listed in the Update Log, which may vary from what was the case when a violation occurred. The penalty totals are adjusted to account for the fact that the individual entries below may include both agency records and settlement announcements for the same case; or else a penalty covering multiple locations may be listed in the individual records for each of the facilities. The totals are also adjusted to reflect cases in which federal and state or local agencies cooperated and issued separate announcements of the outcome. Duplicate or overlapping penalty amounts are marked with an asterisk in the list below.

Links: For a summary of this company's regulatory penalties in more than 50 other countries, see its Violation Tracker Global summary page here.

Subsidy Tracker data on financial assistance to this company by federal, state and local government agencies can be found here.

Individual Penalty Records:

Click on the company or penalty amount for more information on each case.

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Company sort iconPrimary Offense TypeYearAgencyPenalty Amount
FHC Delaware, Inc. fka Fine Host CorporationFalse Claims Act and related2008USAO$7,857,000
Aramark-Lawrence Tech.labor relations violation2006NLRB$35,472
Aramark-Camden Yardslabor relations violation2011NLRB$162,048
Aramark, Inc./ Aramark Campus Serviceslabor relations violation2006NLRB$7,500
ARAMARK, INC.labor relations violation2013NLRB$19,124
Aramark, Inc.labor relations violation2010NLRB$6,000
Aramark, Inc.labor relations violation2010NLRB$10,000
Aramark, Inc.labor relations violation2004NLRB$5,000
ARAMARK, INC.labor relations violation2002NLRB$8,000
Aramark Sports, LLClabor relations violation2008NLRB$5,500
ARAMARK SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT SERVICES, LLCworkplace safety or health violation2015OSHA$5,000
ARAMARK SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENTworkplace safety or health violation2004OSHA$5,135
Aramark Services, Inc.wage and hour violation2005WHD$22,360
Aramark Services, Inc.wage and hour violation2004MA-AG$29,000
ARAMARK SERVICES, INC.workplace safety or health violation2022OSHA$6,216
Aramark Services of Puerto Rico, Incwage and hour violation2019WHD$25,457
ARAMARK Services Management of PA, Inc.labor relations violation2007NLRB$17,244
Aramark Services Inc.wage and hour violation2014WHD$46,669
ARAMARK SERVICES INC.workplace safety or health violation2015OSHA$17,000
ARAMARK SERVICES INCworkplace safety or health violation2022OSHA$5,250
Aramark Servicemaster Facility Service and Servicemaster by Wallace, Inc., as Joint Employers or a Single Integrated Enterprise and/or Alter Egoslabor relations violation2005NLRB$45,000
Aramark Service Masterlabor relations violation2003NLRB$17,359
Aramark Schools Facilities LLCwage and hour violation2009WHD$5,161
Aramark Refreshment Services, LLClabor relations violation2022NLRB$20,453
ARAMARK MANAGEMENT SERVICES LIMITED PARTNERSHIPworkplace safety or health violation2004OSHA$8,500
ARAMARK MANAGEMENT SERVICES LIMITED PARTNERSHIPworkplace safety or health violation2013OSHA$11,900
ARAMARK MANAGEMENT SERVICES LIMITED PARTNERSHIPworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$17,620
ARAMARK MANAGEMENT SERVICES LIMITED PARTNERSHIPworkplace safety or health violation2022OSHA$25,000
Aramark Management Serviceswage and hour violation2006WHD$5,622
ARAMARK Management Serviceslabor relations violation2005NLRB$20,000
Aramark Healthcare Support Servs., Inc.employment discrimination2004EEOC$90,000
ARAMARK HEALTHCARE SUPPORT SERVICES, LLCworkplace safety or health violation2010OSHA$9,000
ARAMARK HEALTHCAREworkplace safety or health violation2014OSHA$5,000
Aramark Food Service, Inc. @ Duquesne Universitylabor relations violation2010NLRB$30,000
ARAMARK FACILITY SERVICES, INC.workplace safety or health violation2009OSHA$15,000
ARAMARK FACILITY SERVICES LLCwage and hour violation2017IL-DOL$10,844
ARAMARK FACILITY SERVICESworkplace safety or health violation2004OSHA$10,500
ARAMARK FACILITY SERVICEworkplace safety or health violation2014OSHA$5,750
Aramark Educational Services LLCemployment discrimination2018OFCCP$44,500
ARAMARK EDUCATIONAL SERVICES LLCworkplace safety or health violation2016OSHA$7,000
ARAMARK EDUCATIONAL SERVICES LLCworkplace safety or health violation2018OSHA$14,262
Aramark Education Services LLCemployment discrimination2015OFCCP$165,000
ARAMARK DISTRIBUTION SERVICE, INC.workplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$5,700
ARAMARK CORRECTIONAL SERVICES, LLCworkplace safety or health violation2017OSHA$17,383
Aramark Corporation d/b/a Wrigley Fieldlabor relations violation2003NLRB$5,000
Aramark Corporationwage and hour violation2014WHD$14,406
Aramark Corporationwage and hour violation2014WHD$5,302
Aramark Corporationwage and hour violation2012WHD$7,020
Aramark Corporationwage and hour violation2006WHD$6,498
Aramark Corporationwage and hour violation2006WHD$16,831
Aramark Corporationlabor relations violation2005NLRB$7,000
Aramark Corporationlabor relations violation2001NLRB$46,475
ARAMARK CORPORATIONlabor relations violation2000NLRB$25,000
ARAMARK Corporationwage and hour violation2018WHD$13,688
ARAMARK CORPORATIONworkplace safety or health violation2009OSHA$5,625
ARAMARK CORPORATIONworkplace safety or health violation2010OSHA$10,000
ARAMARK CORPORATIONworkplace safety or health violation2010OSHA$5,000
ARAMARK CORPORATIONworkplace safety or health violation2013OSHA$8,820
ARAMARK CORPORATIONworkplace safety or health violation2011OSHA$5,000
ARAMARK CORPORATIONworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$15,000
ARAMARK CORPORATIONworkplace safety or health violation2024OSHA$6,913
Aramark Corp.labor relations violation2003NLRB$19,000
ARAMARK CORP.workplace safety or health violation2023OSHA$22,324
Aramark Cleanroom Services, Inc.labor relations violation2009NLRB$9,579
ARAMARK CLEAN ROOM SERVICESworkplace safety or health violation2001OSHA$7,000
ARAMARK CAMPUS, LLCworkplace safety or health violation2023OSHA$14,450
Aramark Campus Services, Inc.wage and hour violation2012WHD$45,487
ARAMARK CAMPUS LLCwage and hour violation2022IL-DOL$5,200
ARAMARK CAMPUS LLCworkplace safety or health violation2018OSHA$12,678
ARAMARK CAMPUS LLCworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$16,879
Aramark at Towson State Universitylabor relations violation2011NLRB$39,746
Aramark at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Centerlabor relations violation2009NLRB$42,000
Aramark at Peabody Institutelabor relations violation2011NLRB$6,391
Aramark at John Hopkinslabor relations violation2011NLRB$60,918
Aramark at Baltimore Convention Centerlabor relations violation2011NLRB$20,620
Aramark American Food Services, Inc.wage and hour violation2003WHD$16,388
ARAMARK - CORRECTIONAL SERVICES, LLCworkplace safety or health violation2018OSHA$5,000
Aramark (Camden)labor relations violation2007NLRB$6,800
Aramark Correctional services Inc.wage and hour violation2004WHD$8,933
Aramarkwage and hour violation2009WHD$7,021
ARAMARKwage and hour violation2006WHD$153,441
ARAMARKwage and hour violation2004WHD$6,052
Aramarklabor relations violation2007NLRB$5,000
Aramarklabor relations violation2000NLRB$12,000
Aramarkwage and hour violation2017private lawsuit-federal$466,250
Aramarkwage and hour violation2016private lawsuit-federal$125,643
Aramarkwage and hour violation2013private lawsuit-federal$2,750,000
Aramarkwage and hour violation2011private lawsuit-federal$587,500
Aramarkwage and hour violation2010private lawsuit-federal$3,900,000
Aramarkwage and hour violation2009private lawsuit-federal$1,500,000
Aramarkwage and hour violation2023IL-DOL$5,891
Aramarkwage and hour violation2019NY-DOL$7,250
Aramarkwage and hour violation2023MN-DCR$45,000
ARAMARKworkplace safety or health violation2002OSHA$19,109
ARAMARKworkplace safety or health violation2004OSHA$5,000
ARAMARKworkplace safety or health violation2011OSHA$5,655
ARAMARKworkplace safety or health violation2015OSHA$6,300
ARAMARKworkplace safety or health violation2016OSHA$5,454
ARAMARKworkplace safety or health violation2018OSHA$6,929
(*): Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting.