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Violation Tracker Current Parent Company Summary

Current Parent Company Name: Ascension Health
Ownership Structure: non-profit
Headquartered in: Missouri
Major Industry: healthcare services
Specific Industry: hospitals
Penalty total since 2000$139,803,535
Number of records: 134
Top 5 Offense Groups (Groups Defined)Penalty TotalNumber of Records
employment-related offenses$71,890,63426
government-contracting-related offenses$39,661,27711
healthcare-related offenses$28,162,99691
consumer-protection-related offenses$59,5003
safety-related offenses$19,8782
Top 5 Primary Offense TypesPenalty TotalNumber of Records
False Claims Act and related$39,661,27711
benefit plan administrator violation$37,500,0002
wage and hour violation$33,515,16516
HHS civil monetary penalties$23,526,9456
nursing home violation$2,636,05184
Notes: Parent-subsidiary linkages are based on relationships current as of the latest revision listed in the Update Log, which may vary from what was the case when a violation occurred. The penalty totals are adjusted to account for the fact that the individual entries below may include both agency records and settlement announcements for the same case; or else a penalty covering multiple locations may be listed in the individual records for each of the facilities. The totals are also adjusted to reflect cases in which federal and state or local agencies cooperated and issued separate announcements of the outcome. Duplicate or overlapping penalty amounts are marked with an asterisk in the list below.

Individual Penalty Records:

Click on the company or penalty amount for more information on each case.

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CompanyPrimary Offense TypeYear sort iconAgencyPenalty Amount
Wheaton Franciscan Hc - Terrace At St Francisnursing home violation2024CMS$49,600
Ascension Saint Anne Placenursing home violation2024CMS$21,615
Ascension Saint Joseph Villagenursing home violation2024CMS$86,530
Wheaton Franciscan Hc - Terrace At St Francisnursing home violation2024CMS$110,550
Ascension Sacred Heart PensacolaHHS civil monetary penalties2023HHSOIG$2,418,057
Ascension Healthwage and hour violation2023private lawsuit-federal$19,740,000
Columbia St. Mary's Hospital Milwaukee Inc.Americans with Disabilities Act2023USAO$35,000
Ascension Saint Joseph Villagenursing home violation2023CMS$241,920
Ascension Living Via Christi Village Ponca Citynursing home violation2023CMS$14,518
Via Christi Village Manhattan, Incnursing home violation2023CMS$107,590
Ascension Living St. Catherine Laboure' Placenursing home violation2023CMS$17,905
Via Christi Village Manhattan, Incnursing home violation2023CMS$37,560
Ascension Living Carroll Manornursing home violation2022CMS$128,856
Ascension Saint Anne Placenursing home violation2022CMS$79,980
Ascension Nazarethville Placenursing home violation2022CMS$64,815
Ascension Living Via Christi Village Ponca Citynursing home violation2022CMS$55,075
Ascension Living St. Catherine Laboure' Placenursing home violation2022CMS$29,724
Ascension Resurrection Placenursing home violation2022CMS$29,133
Ascension Resurrection Placenursing home violation2022IL-DPH$25,000
Ascension Nazarethville Placenursing home violation2022IL-DPH$25,000
Ascension Saint Joseph Villagenursing home violation2022IL-DPH$25,000
Ascension Saint Anne Placenursing home violation2022IL-DPH$25,000
Ascension Nazarethville Placenursing home violation2022CMS$18,447
Ascension Living Sherbrooke Villagenursing home violation2022CMS$15,412
Via Christi Village - Hays Incnursing home violation2022CMS$13,397
Via Christi Village Pittsburg Incnursing home violation2022CMS$11,180
Via Christi Village - Hays Incnursing home violation2022CMS$11,180
Ascension Saint Anne Placenursing home violation2022CMS$10,000
Our Lady Of Peace Nursing Care Residencenursing home violation2022CMS$7,901
Borgess Gardensnursing home violation2022CMS$15,000
Wheaton Franciscan Hc - Terrace At St Francisnursing home violation2022CMS$5,000
Ascension Providence Rochesterwage and hour violation2022MI-LEO$5,731
Ascension Borgess Hospitalwage and hour violation2022MI-LEO$6,310
Ascension St Maryswage and hour violation2022MI-LEO$7,465
Ascension Genesyswage and hour violation2022MI-LEO$5,837
Ascension MichiganFalse Claims Act and related2021DOJ_CIVIL$2,800,000
Ascension Sacred Heart Emerald Coastenvironmental violation2021FL-DEP$9,250
Ascension Texas and Ascension Seton et al.HHS civil monetary penalties2021HHSOIG$20,983,888
Ascension Saint Anne Placenursing home violation2021CMS$147,290
Ascension Living Carroll Manornursing home violation2021CMS$67,665
Alexian Village Of Milwaukeenursing home violation2021CMS$38,103
Ascension Saint Anne Placenursing home violation2021IL-DPH$25,000
Ascension Nazarethville Placenursing home violation2021IL-DPH$25,000
Via Christi Village Pittsburg Incnursing home violation2021CMS$20,230
Ascension Heritage Villagenursing home violation2021CMS$20,000
Ascension Living - Lakeshore At Sienanursing home violation2021CMS$19,747
Ascension Living St. Catherine Laboure' Placenursing home violation2021FL-AHCA$15,000
Ascension Living St. Catherine Laboure' Placenursing home violation2021CMS$14,508
Alexian Village Of Milwaukeenursing home violation2021CMS$14,508
Ascension Living Carroll Manornursing home violation2021CMS$13,000
Ascension Nazarethville Placenursing home violation2021CMS$13,000
Ascension Nazarethville Placenursing home violation2021CMS$12,103
Ascension Living St. Catherine Laboure' Placenursing home violation2021FL-AHCA$10,000
Ascension Resurrection Placenursing home violation2021CMS$7,615
Via Christi Village - Hays Incnursing home violation2021CMS$7,615
Ascension Heritage Villagenursing home violation2021CMS$6,500
Ascension Resurrection Lifenursing home violation2021CMS$5,000
Ascension Villa Franciscannursing home violation2021CMS$5,000
Ascension Genesys Regional Medical Centerwage and hour violation2021MI-LEO$7,200
Ascension Genesys Regional Medical Centerwage and hour violation2021MI-LEO$11,850
OUR LADY OF LOURDES MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, INC.workplace safety or health violation2021OSHA$9,753
Ascension Living St. Catherine Laboure' Placenursing home violation2020CMS$102,970
Alexian Village Of Milwaukeenursing home violation2020CMS$33,124
Ascension Nazarethville Placenursing home violation2020IL-DPH$25,000
Ascension Living St. Catherine Laboure' Placenursing home violation2020CMS$13,905
Ascension Living Sherbrooke Villagenursing home violation2020CMS$9,750
Ascension Nazarethville Placenursing home violation2020CMS$6,500
Borgess Gardensnursing home violation2020CMS$15,000
Ascension Borgess Allegan Hospitalwage and hour violation2020MI-LEO$32,307
Ascension Saint Anne Placenursing home violation2019CMS$100,337
Ascension Living Sherbrooke Villagenursing home violation2019CMS$53,040
Ascension Living Via Christi Village Ponca Citynursing home violation2019CMS$20,641
Alexian Village Of Milwaukeenursing home violation2019CMS$13,605
Ascension Living Sherbrooke Villagenursing home violation2019CMS$11,278
Ascension Saint Joseph Villagenursing home violation2019CMS$9,360
Ascension Genesyswage and hour violation2019MI-LEO$7,000
St. Vincent Hospital and Health Care Center, Inc.employment discrimination2018EEOC$15,000
Wheaton Franciscan Healthcarebenefit plan administrator violation2018private lawsuit-federal$29,500,000
Ascension Living Via Christi Village Ponca Citynursing home violation2018CMS$52,877
Ascension Villa Franciscannursing home violation2018CMS$45,546
Via Christi Village Pittsburg Incnursing home violation2018CMS$12,987
Via Christi Village Pittsburg Incnursing home violation2018CMS$8,125
Ascension Saint Joseph Villagenursing home violation2018CMS$7,803
Via Christi Village Ridgenursing home violation2018CMS$7,150
Via Christi Village - Hays Incnursing home violation2018CMS$7,150
Ascension Borgess Hospitalwage and hour violation2018MI-LEO$15,392
VIA CHRISTI VILLAGE PONCA CITY, INC.nursing home violation2017CMS$7,150
VIA CHRISTI VILLAGE PITTSBURG INCnursing home violation2017CMS$7,472
VIA CHRISTI VILLAGE PONCA CITY, INC.nursing home violation2017CMS$14,263
ALEXIAN VILLAGE OF MILWAUKEEnursing home violation2017CMS$26,390
VIA CHRISTI VILLAGE RIDGEnursing home violation2017CMS$39,790
BORGESS GARDENSnursing home violation2017CMS$50,750
WHEATON FRANCISCAN HC - TERRACE AT ST FRANCISnursing home violation2016CMS$6,045
VIA CHRISTI VILLAGE - HAYS INCnursing home violation2016CMS$9,450
BORGESS GARDENSnursing home violation2016CMS$12,213
ALEXIAN VILLAGE OF MILWAUKEEnursing home violation2016CMS$15,040
VIA CHRISTI VILLAGE MCLEAN, INCnursing home violation2016CMS$16,650
VIA CHRISTI VILLAGE MANHATTAN, INCnursing home violation2016CMS$29,614
Ascension HealthFalse Claims Act and related2015DOJ_CIVIL$14,900,000
St. Vincent Health, Inc.Family and Medical Leave Act2015WHD$19,789
VIA CHRISTI VILLAGE PONCA CITY, INC.nursing home violation2015CMS$5,063
(*): Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting.