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Violation Tracker Current Parent Company Summary

Current Parent Company Name: Bain Capital
Ownership Structure: privately held
Headquartered in: Massachusetts
Major Industry: private equity (including portfolio companies)
Specific Industry: private equity (including portfolio companies)
Penalty total since 2000$96,099,404
Number of records: 119
Top 5 Offense Groups (Groups Defined)Penalty TotalNumber of Records
competition-related offenses$59,502,0006
employment-related offenses$17,679,99520
safety-related offenses$16,698,45767
environment-related offenses$2,088,95225
financial offenses$130,0001
Top 5 Primary Offense TypesPenalty TotalNumber of Records
price-fixing or anti-competitive practices$59,475,0005
motor vehicle safety violation$15,126,2041
benefit plan administrator violation$10,310,0023
wage and hour violation$4,210,25412
labor relations violation$2,559,7394
Notes: Parent-subsidiary linkages are based on relationships current as of the latest revision listed in the Update Log, which may vary from what was the case when a violation occurred. The penalty totals are adjusted to account for the fact that the individual entries below may include both agency records and settlement announcements for the same case; or else a penalty covering multiple locations may be listed in the individual records for each of the facilities. The totals are also adjusted to reflect cases in which federal and state or local agencies cooperated and issued separate announcements of the outcome. Duplicate or overlapping penalty amounts are marked with an asterisk in the list below.

Links: For a summary of this company's regulatory penalties in more than 50 other countries, see its Violation Tracker Global summary page here.

Subsidy Tracker data on financial assistance to this company by federal, state and local government agencies can be found here.

Individual Penalty Records:

Click on the company or penalty amount for more information on each case.

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Company sort iconPrimary Offense TypeYearAgencyPenalty Amount
VXI Global Solutions, Inc.wage and hour violation2010WHD$98,211
VXI Global Solutions, Incwage and hour violation2010WHD$154,242
VXI Global Solutions, Incwage and hour violation2010WHD$276,123
VXI Global Solutions Inc.employment discrimination2015EEOC$600,000
TI AUTOMOTIVE LLCworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$5,250
TI AUTOMOTIVE INCenvironmental violation2006EPA$110,000
TI AUTOMOTIVE GROUP, LLC.workplace safety or health violation2016OSHA$8,692
TI AUTOMOTIVElabor relations violation2006NLRB$13,360
TI Automotivelabor relations violation2005NLRB$2,500,000
TI AUTOMOTIVEworkplace safety or health violation2011OSHA$7,700
The Gymboree Corporationwage and hour violation2008WHD$31,729
Proterial Cable America, Inc.motor vehicle safety violation2024DOJ_CRIMINAL$15,126,204
PROTERIAL CABLE AMERICA, INC.workplace safety or health violation2024OSHA$9,697
PJ TRAILERS MFG., CO. INC.; DELCO TRAILERSworkplace safety or health violation2011OSHA$389,520
PJ TRAILERS MFG. CO., INC.; DELCO TRAILERSworkplace safety or health violation2011OSHA$76,000
PJ TRAILERS MFG. CO., INC.workplace safety or health violation2013OSHA$19,750
PJ TRAILERS MFG. CO., INC.workplace safety or health violation2013OSHA$38,500
PJ TRAILERS MANUFACTURING, INC.workplace safety or health violation2015OSHA$7,000
PJ TRAILERS MANUFACTURING, INC.workplace safety or health violation2018OSHA$7,423
PJ TRAILERS MANUFACTURING CO., INC.workplace safety or health violation2014OSHA$7,000
P J TRAILERSworkplace safety or health violation2018OSHA$7,760
MUNKSJO PAPER INCenvironmental violation2009MA-ENV$9,722
MUNKSJO PAPER INCenvironmental violation2001MA-ENV$30,000
MUNKSJO PAPER INCenvironmental violation2001MA-ENV$7,500
JohnsonDiversey Inc.benefit plan administrator violation2015private lawsuit-federal$10,250,000
HITACHI METALS NORTH CAROLINA, LTDworkplace safety or health violation2010OSHA$9,200
Hitachi Metals Ltd.price-fixing or anti-competitive practices2014DOJ_ANTITRUST$1,250,000
Hitachi Metals Ltd.price-fixing or anti-competitive practices2018private lawsuit-federal$360,000
Hitachi Metals Ltd.price-fixing or anti-competitive practices2018private lawsuit-federal$1,140,000
Hitachi Metals Ltd.price-fixing or anti-competitive practices2020private lawsuit-federal$2,725,000
HITACHI METALS AUTO COMPONENTS USA LLCenvironmental violation2011PA-ENV$39,500
Gymboreewage and hour violation2016private lawsuit-state$1,125,000
Gymboreewage and hour violation2006private lawsuit-state$2,275,000
GLEN-GERY CORPORATION - HANLEYworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$9,500
GLEN-GERY CORPORATION - HANLEYworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$6,073
GLEN-GERY CORPORATIONworkplace safety or health violation2000OSHA$90,000
GLEN-GERY CORPORATIONworkplace safety or health violation2000OSHA$6,405
GLEN-GERY CORPORATIONworkplace safety or health violation2001OSHA$10,000
GLEN-GERY CORPORATIONworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$33,735
GLEN-GERY CORPORATIONenvironmental violation2000EPA$93,295
Glen-Gery Corp.environmental violation2004OH-ENV$134,895
GLEN-GERY ADEL PLANTworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$39,778
GLEN GERY CORPORATIONair pollution violation2008IL-ENV$950,000
EXPERA SPECIALTY SOLUTIONS, LLCworkplace safety or health violation2015OSHA$7,560
EXPERA SPECIALTY SOLUTIONS, LLCworkplace safety or health violation2015OSHA$5,600
EXPERA SPECIALTY SOLUTIONS, LLCworkplace safety or health violation2015OSHA$30,800
EXPERA SPECIALTY SOLUTIONS LLCworkplace safety or health violation2014OSHA$8,330
EXPERA SPECIALTY SOLUTIONS LLCworkplace safety or health violation2018OSHA$9,054
Detrex Corporationlabor relations violation2021NLRB$25,044
Detrex Corp.environmental violation2001OH-ENV$38,000
Detrexenvironmental violation2006EPA$250,000
DANAHER TOOL GROUPworkplace safety or health violation2001OSHA$5,813
DANAHER TOOL GROUPenvironmental violation2000EPA$5,000
DAKOTA BODIES, LLCworkplace safety or health violation2018OSHA$33,814
DAKOTA BODIES, LLCworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$26,988
DAKOTA BODIES, LLCworkplace safety or health violation2023OSHA$114,157
DAKOTA BODIES LLCworkplace safety or health violation2021OSHA$53,660
COOPER TOOLS, INC.workplace safety or health violation2008OSHA$5,000
Cooper Tools Industrial Ltda.export control violation2007BIS$27,000
COOPER POWER TOOLS, INC.labor relations violation2006NLRB$21,335
Carry-On Trailer, Inc.wage and hour violation2013WHD$9,792
Carry-On Trailer, Inc.environmental violation2016VA-ENV$52,463
Carry-On Trailer, Inc.environmental violation2016VA-ENV$12,250
Carry-On Trailer, Inc.environmental violation2010VA-ENV$13,500
CARRY-ON TRAILER, INC.workplace safety or health violation2002OSHA$7,200
CARRY-ON TRAILER, INC.workplace safety or health violation2009OSHA$12,100
CARRY-ON TRAILER, INC.workplace safety or health violation2018OSHA$8,034
CARRY-ON TRAILER, INC.workplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$13,494
CARRY-ON TRAILER, INC.workplace safety or health violation2022OSHA$16,782
CARRY-ON TRAILER, INC.workplace safety or health violation2024OSHA$9,679
CARRY-ON TRAILER INCworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$7,500
Carry-On Trailer Corporationwage and hour violation2010WHD$42,409
Carry-On Trailer Corporationwage and hour violation2009WHD$118,807
Carry-On Trailer Corporationair pollution violation2003GA-ENV$8,000
CARRY-ON TRAILER CORPORATIONworkplace safety or health violation2011OSHA$8,134
CARRY-ON TRAILER CORPORATIONworkplace safety or health violation2022OSHA$16,550
CARRY ON TRAILER CORPwage and hour violation2009WHD$58,146
BOB'S DISCOUNT FURNITURE, LLCworkplace safety or health violation2006OSHA$9,621
BOB'S DISCOUNT FURNITURE, LLCworkplace safety or health violation2022OSHA$17,430
Bob's Discount Furniturewage and hour violation2010WHD$6,261
BOB'S DISCOUNT FURNITUREworkplace safety or health violation2014OSHA$5,000
BIG TEX TRAILERSworkplace safety or health violation2012OSHA$6,000
Big Tex Trailer Manufacturing, Inc.environmental violation2008TX-ENV$28,000
Big Tex Trailer Manufacturing, Inc.environmental violation2007TX-ENV$9,600
BIG TEX TRAILER MANUFACTURING, INC.workplace safety or health violation2011OSHA$7,000
BIG TEX TRAILER MANUFACTURING, INC.workplace safety or health violation2012OSHA$14,484
BIG TEX TRAILER MANUFACTURING, INC.workplace safety or health violation2016OSHA$29,391
BIG TEX TRAILER MANUFACTURING, INC.workplace safety or health violation2017OSHA$9,054
BIG TEX TRAILER MANUFACTURING, INC.workplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$7,250
Big Tex Trailer Manufacturing, Incwage and hour violation2012WHD$14,534
BIG TEX TRAILER MANUFACTURINGaviation safety violation2010FAA$12,000
Bain Capital Credit Member, LLCinvestor protection violation2024SEC$130,000
Bain Capitalprice-fixing or anti-competitive practices2015private lawsuit-federal$54,000,000
Apex Tool Group, LLChazardous waste violation2015AR-ENV$6,125
Apex Tool Group, LLCsolid waste violation2015NC-ENV$28,278
Apex Tool Group, LLCenvironmental violation2022SC-ENV$15,000
APEX TOOL GROUP, LLCworkplace safety or health violation2012OSHA$8,500
APEX TOOL GROUP, LLCworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$9,500
APEX TOOL GROUP, LLCenvironmental violation2019EPA$36,080
Apex Tool Group, LLCenvironmental violation2016EPA$150,000
APEX TOOL GROUP LLC.workplace safety or health violation2012OSHA$7,650
(*): Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting.