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Violation Tracker Current Parent Company Summary

Current Parent Company Name: Republic Services
Ownership Structure: publicly traded (ticker symbol RSG)
Headquartered in: Arizona
Major Industry: waste management and environmental services
Specific Industry: waste management
Penalty total since 2000$177,140,658
Number of records: 275
Top 5 Offense Groups (Groups Defined)Penalty TotalNumber of Records
environment-related offenses$161,496,894163
employment-related offenses$12,777,79647
miscellaneous offenses$1,625,0002
safety-related offenses$747,72260
competition-related offenses$250,0001
Top 5 Primary Offense TypesPenalty TotalNumber of Records
environmental violation$114,414,83784
water pollution violation$37,050,0002
air pollution violation$6,655,03327
employment discrimination$3,769,0003
work visa violations$3,000,0001
Notes: Parent-subsidiary linkages are based on relationships current as of the latest revision listed in the Update Log, which may vary from what was the case when a violation occurred. The penalty totals are adjusted to account for the fact that the individual entries below may include both agency records and settlement announcements for the same case; or else a penalty covering multiple locations may be listed in the individual records for each of the facilities. The totals are also adjusted to reflect cases in which federal and state or local agencies cooperated and issued separate announcements of the outcome. Duplicate or overlapping penalty amounts are marked with an asterisk in the list below.

Links: For a summary of this company's regulatory penalties in more than 50 other countries, see its Violation Tracker Global summary page here.

Subsidy Tracker data on financial assistance to this company by federal, state and local government agencies can be found here.

Individual Penalty Records:

Click on the company or penalty amount for more information on each case.

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CompanyPrimary Offense TypeYear sort iconAgencyPenalty Amount
Republic Servicesair pollution violation2024CA-BAAQMD$160,000
BFI Waste Services, LLChazardous waste violation2024DE-ENV$10,000
US Ecology Sulligent, Inc.hazardous waste violation2024AL-ENV$13,640
Allied Waste Services of North America LLCconsumer protection violation2024MN-AG$128,000
U.S. Ecology NevadaPCB violation2024EPA$185,429
US Ecology Texas, Inc.oil or gas drilling violation2024TX-ENV$56,240
BFI WASTE SERVICES, LLCworkplace safety or health violation2024OSHA$24,200
BFI WASTE SERVICES OF TEXAS, LPworkplace safety or health violation2024OSHA$5,000
US ECOLOGY NEVADA INCenvironmental violation2024EPA$185,429
REPUBLIC SERVICES OF NJ LLCenvironmental violation2023NJ-ENV$182,064
Republic Servicesair pollution violation2023EPA$100,000
Republic Services Inc.air pollution violation2023CA-SCAQMD$46,840
BFI Waste Services, LLCunderground storage tank violation2023TN-ENV$13,600
REPUBLIC SILVER STATE DISPOSAL, INC.workplace safety or health violation2023OSHA$18,976
REPUBLIC WASTE SERVICES OF TEXAS, LTD.workplace safety or health violation2023OSHA$26,787
ALLIED WASTE SERVICES OF FORT WORTH, LLCworkplace safety or health violation2023OSHA$5,581
ALLIED SERVICES LLCworkplace safety or health violation2023OSHA$20,744
US Ecology Tulsaenvironmental violation2023EPA$20,000
Republic Services, Inc. et al.air pollution violation2022CA-ARB$211,250
Republic Services of Pennsylvania, LLC et al.consumer protection violation2022PA-AG$115,246
REPUBLIC SERVICES OF NJenvironmental violation2022NJ-ENV$54,500
BFI Waste Systems of Mississippi LLCenvironmental violation2022MS-ENV$99,000
REPUBLIC SERVICES OF NJ INCenvironmental violation2022NJ-ENV$27,250
REPUBLIC SERVICES OF NJ INCenvironmental violation2022NJ-ENV$9,000
Browning-Ferris Industries of California, Inc. and International Disposal Corp. of Californiaair pollution violation2022CA-BAAQMD$210,000
Republic Services, Inc. et al.air pollution violation2022CA-ARB$9,000
Republic Services of Indianaenvironmental violation2022IN-ENV$5,600
REPUBLIC SERVICES, INC.air pollution violation2022CA-SCAQMD$86,958
BFI WASTE SERVICES OF TEXAS, LPworkplace safety or health violation2022OSHA$7,251
ALLIED WASTE SERVICES OF NORTH AMERICA. LLCworkplace safety or health violation2022OSHA$11,000
REPUBLIC SERVICES - WALNUT CREEK LANDFILLenvironmental violation2021IN-ENV$18,000
US Ecology Sulligent, Inc.environmental violation2021AL-ENV$8,800
Republic Services of Indiana, LP dba Sycamore Ridge Landfillenvironmental violation2021IN-ENV$18,000
BFI Waste Management SystemsFamily and Medical Leave Act2021WHD$36,007
REPUBLIC SERVICES OF NEW JERSEY, LLCworkplace safety or health violation2021OSHA$14,628
US ECOLOGYworkplace safety or health violation2021OSHA$8,702
ALLIED WASTE SERVICES OF FORT WORTH, LLC DBA REPUBLIC SERVICESworkplace safety or health violation2021OSHA$9,716
US ECOLOGY IDAHO INChazardous waste violation2020ID-ENV$22,800
BFI Waste Systems of Louisiana, LLCenvironmental violation2020LA-ENV$83,909
REPUBLIC SERVICES OF NJ LLCsolid waste violation2020NJ-ENV$16,500
US Ecology Texas, Inc.environmental violation2020TX-ENV$18,711
ALLIED WASTE SERVICES OF FORT WORTH, LLCworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$11,854
REPUBLIC SVC OF PA LLCenvironmental violation2019PA-ENV$6,450
NEW MORGAN LDFL CO INCenvironmental violation2019PA-ENV$7,791
REPUBLIC SVC OF PA LLCenvironmental violation2019PA-ENV$45,775
REPUBLIC SERVICES SYCAMORE RIDGEsolid waste violation2019IN-ENV$9,500
REPUBLIC SERVICES OF NJ LLCsolid waste violation2019NJ-ENV$5,000
ALLIED WASTE SERVICES OF FORT WORTH, LLCworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$7,500
REPUBLIC WASTE SERVICES OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIAworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$6,060
ALLIED WASTE SERVICE OF NORTH AMERICA, LLCworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$6,939
U.S. Ecologyenvironmental violation2019EPA$28,758
Republic Services, Inc.environmental violation2018MO-AG$87,000,000
REPUBLIC SVC OF PA LLCenvironmental violation2018PA-ENV$8,000
REPUBLIC SVC OF PA LLCenvironmental violation2018PA-ENV$11,176
WAYNE DISPOSAL INChazardous waste violation2018MI-ENV$11,400
Tervita LLCenvironmental violation2018TX-RRC$5,000
REPUBLIC SERVICES INC.workplace safety or health violation2018OSHA$8,500
REPUBLIC SERVICES OF OHIO HOLDINGS LLCworkplace safety or health violation2018OSHA$5,543
RIVER RECYCLING, LLCworkplace safety or health violation2018OSHA$6,467
RABANCO LTDworkplace safety or health violation2018OSHA$7,800
US ECOLOGY IDAHO, INC.workplace safety or health violation2018OSHA$50,000
BFI WASTE SYSTEMS - ARBOR HILLS LANDFILLenvironmental violation2018EPA$406,000
Allied Waste Services of North America, LLCwage and hour violation2017NY-AG$69,000
NEW MORGAN LDFL CO INCenvironmental violation2017PA-ENV$9,025
ALLIED WASTE SYSTEMS LLCenvironmental violation2017MA-ENV$45,585
Oakland Heights Development, Inc.air pollution violation2017MI-ENV$15,000
US Ecology Texas, Inc.environmental violation2017TX-ENV$12,160
Browning-Ferris Industriesair pollution violation2017CA-SCAQMD$1,344,000
REPUBLIC SERVICES, LLCworkplace safety or health violation2017OSHA$5,975
REPUBLIC SERVICES OF MEMPHISworkplace safety or health violation2017OSHA$6,050
ALLIED WASTE SYSTEMS, INC.workplace safety or health violation2017OSHA$7,436
TAYMAN INDUSTRIES INCworkplace safety or health violation2017OSHA$39,300
Republic Services of Georgiasolid waste violation2016GA-ENV$10,000
BFI Waste Systems of Mississippi LLC, Little Dixie Landfillenvironmental violation2016MS-ENV$75,000
REPUBLIC SERVICES OF NJ LLCsolid waste violation2016NJ-ENV$7,500
Allied Waste Services of Fort Worth, LLCenvironmental violation2016TX-ENV$32,336
U.S. ECOLOGY INCworkplace safety or health violation2016OSHA$5,525
RABANCO LTDworkplace safety or health violation2016OSHA$5,600
REPUBLIC SERVICES OF ARLINGTONworkplace safety or health violation2016OSHA$10,000
RABANCO LTDworkplace safety or health violation2016OSHA$6,300
Republic Services, Inc.labor relations violation2015NLRB$22,500
Allied Waste Services of North America, LLC d/b/a Allied Waste Services of Pensacola/Republic Serviclabor relations violation2015NLRB$6,634
REPUBLIC SERVICES, INCworkplace safety or health violation2015OSHA$26,375
BFI WASTE SERVICES OF PENNSYLVANIA, LLCworkplace safety or health violation2015OSHA$5,000
US Ecology Incenvironmental violation2015EPA$137,500
Republic Servicesenvironmental violation2014MO-AG$1,490,000
REPUBLIC SVC OF PA LLCenvironmental violation2014PA-ENV$17,830
Allied Waste Services of NA, LLChazardous waste violation2014CA-DTSC$5,000
Tervita, LLCenvironmental violation2014TX-RRC$10,000
Republic Services, Inc.environmental violation2014private lawsuit-federal$6,886,500
Republic Waste Services of Southern Californiaair pollution violation2014CA-SCAQMD$10,000
REPUBLIC SERVICESworkplace safety or health violation2014OSHA$9,000
US ECOLOGY DETROIT NORTHhazardous waste violation2013MI-ENV$18,000
BFI Waste Systems of Mississippi LLCenvironmental violation2013MS-ENV$12,500
Lee County Landfill SC LLCair pollution violation2013SC-ENV$5,000
TERVITA, LLCworkplace safety or health violation2013OSHA$5,000
REPUBLIC SERVICES RECYCLINGworkplace safety or health violation2013OSHA$6,545
BFI WASTE SERVICES OF TEXAS, LPworkplace safety or health violation2013OSHA$7,000
ALLIED SERVICESworkplace safety or health violation2013OSHA$6,000
US Ecology Texas and TD*X Associateshazardous waste violation2012EPA$788,120
(*): Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting.