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Violation Tracker Industry Summary Page

Industry: building materials
Penalty Total since 2000$4,270,517,179
Number of Records: 5,781
Note: The totals include only those entries matched to a parent company. The industry designation is the primary one for the parent's operations overall. The totals are adjusted to account for the fact that each parent's entries may include both agency records and settlement announcements for the same case; or else a penalty covering multiple locations may be listed in the individual records for each of the facilities. They are also adjusted to reflect cases in which federal and state or local agencies cooperated and issued separate announcements of the outcome. Duplicate or overlapping penalty amounts are marked with an asterisk in the individual records list below.
Top 10 Current Parent CompaniesTotal Penalty $Number of Records
Holcim Group$1,096,345,686943
Carrier Global Corporation$634,395,41216
Standard Industries Inc.$182,643,65737
Eagle Materials$132,025,125108
Summit Materials$66,040,821338
Heidelberg Materials$55,913,511737

Individual Penalty Records:

Click on the company or penalty amount for more information on each case. Click on the parent name to reach the summary page for that parent company.

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CompanyCurrent ParentPrimary Offense TypeYearAgency sort iconPenalty Amount
STAKER & PARSON COMPANIESCRH PLCworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$6,440
WOODGRAIN MILLWORK, INC.Woodgrain Millworkworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$8,000
MUELLER WATER PRODUCTS, INC.Mueller Water Productsworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$5,925
OWENS CORNING ROOFING AND ASPHALT, LLCOwens Corningworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$15,000
SIERRA PACIFIC INDUSTRIESSierra Pacific Industriesworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$5,400
THE QUIKRETE COMPANIES LLCQuikreteworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$18,943
CERTAIN TEED CORPORATIONSaint-Gobainworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$11,536
THE QUIKRETE COMPANIES LLCQuikreteworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$20,838
JELD-WEN INC.JELD-WEN Holdingworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$10,125
BOISE CASCADEBoise Cascadeworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$10,608
POTLATCHDELTICPotlatchDelticworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$14,908
TILCON NEW YORK INC.CRH PLCworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$53,040
IDAHO WESTERN, INC.UFP Industriesworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$5,977
ARGOS USA LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$40,000
CARLISLE CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS LLCCarlisleworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$9,660
TRANE US, INC.Trane Technologiesworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$13,260
CARRIER ENTERPRISECarrier Global Corporationworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$12,730
KIE-CON INC.KIE-CONworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$12,350
LONE STAR INDUSTRIES, INC.Buzzi Unicemworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$14,492
SIERRA PACIFIC INDUSTRIESSierra Pacific Industriesworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$5,060
ENDURA PRODUCTS, INC.Owens Corningworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$5,363
SIERRA PACIFIC INDUSTRIESSierra Pacific Industriesworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$14,400
JELD-WEN, INC.JELD-WEN Holdingworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$14,260
MUELLER WATER PRODUCTS, INC.Mueller Water Productsworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$5,600
HOLCIM INC.Holcim Groupworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$31,880
ARMSTRONG FLOORING, INC.Armstrong Flooringworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$13,639
SIERRA PACIFIC INDUSTRIESSierra Pacific Industriesworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$9,000
OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANYOtis Worldwide Corporationworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$59,568
OWENS CORNINGOwens Corningworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$5,398
JELD-WEN, INC.JELD-WEN Holdingworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$13,300
QUIKRETE COMPANY, INC.Quikreteworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$8,193
WINDOOR INCORPORATEDPGT Innovationsworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$13,298
OWENS CORNING ROOFING AND ASPHALT, LLCOwens Corningworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$10,391
CRH AMERICAS INCCRH PLCworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$16,200
UFP NAC, LLCUFP Industriesworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$11,400
ENGINEERED FLOORS, LLCEngineered Floorsworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$10,687
WR GRACE CO.Standard Industries Inc.workplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$8,096
FIRESTONE BUILDING PRODUCTSHolcim Groupworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$6,073
HANSON AGGREGATES OF ARIZONAHeidelberg Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$5,114
TRI STAR ELECTRONICS INTERNATIONAL, INC.Carlisleworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$5,750
VIRACON INCApogee Enterprisesworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$7,000
LYMAN-RICHEYCRH PLCworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$10,000
REDLAND BRICK, INC.Belden Brickworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$10,500
REDLAND BRICK, INC.Belden Brickworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$5,700
KOHLER CO., INC.Kohlerworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$10,814
MASONITE CORPORATIONOwens Corningworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$8,771
TREX COMPANY, INC.Trexworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$9,784
OTIS ELEVATOROtis Worldwide Corporationworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$54,135
CARRIER ENTERPRISE LLCCarrier Global Corporationworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$6,750
WINDOOR INCORPORATEDPGT Innovationsworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$6,074
OLDCASTLE APG SOUTH,INC.CRH PLCworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$11,500
ADVANCED DRAINAGE SYSTEMS INC.Advanced Drainage Systemsworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$10,496
POTLATCHDELTIC CORPORATIONPotlatchDelticworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$9,446
KOHLER CO., INC.Kohlerworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$8,096
TRANE US, INC.Trane Technologiesworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$13,494
ARMSTRONG FLOORING, INC.Armstrong Flooringworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$5,100
ENDURA PRODUCTS, LLCOwens Corningworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$14,000
LOUISIANA PACIFIC CORPLouisiana-Pacific Corp.workplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$14,000
MITSUBISHI CEMENT CORPORATIONMitsubishi Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$18,000
OLDCASTLE INFRASTRUCTURECRH PLCworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$5,735
ENGINEERED FLOORS, LLC.Engineered Floorsworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$10,603
THE QUIKRETE HOLDINGS, INC.Quikreteworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$19,278
THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR CORP.TK Elevatorworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$26,988
PELLA CORPORATIONPella Corporationworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$8,051
KNAUF INSULATION INC.Knaufworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$9,275
MDLG, INC.Phenix Lumberworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$177,442
MUELLER WATER PRODUCTS, INC.Mueller Water Productsworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$9,240
MUELLER WATER PRODUCTS, INC.Mueller Water Productsworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$18,400
SHAWNLEE CONSTRUCTION, LLCUFP Industriesworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$80,000
KRONOSPAN LLCKronospanworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$14,574
PGT INDUSTRIES, INC.PGT Innovationsworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$7,229
NORBORD GEORGIA LLCWest Fraser Timberworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$7,894
JELD-WEN, INC.JELD-WEN Holdingworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$40,482
SIERRA PACIFIC INDUSTRIESSierra Pacific Industriesworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$9,850
ROANOKE CEMENT COMPANY, LLCTitan Cement Internationalworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$9,135
UFP NEW WAVERLY, LLCUFP Industriesworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$8,096
UFP MOULTRIE, LLCUFP Industriesworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$12,145
THE QUIKRETE COMPANIES, LLCQuikreteworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$9,000
VULCAN MATERIALS COMPANY, INC.Vulcan Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$13,653
AGGREGATE INDUSTRIESHolcim Groupworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$8,000
NATIONAL CEMENT COMPANY OF ALABAMA, INC.Vicatworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$18,724
SAINT GOBAIN CERAMICS & PLASTICS INC.Saint-Gobainworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$20,242
ARGOS USA, LLCSummit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$9,119
SIERRA PACIFIC INDUSTRIESSierra Pacific Industriesworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$108,300
CEMEX CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS FLORIDA, LLCCemexworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$9,753
U.S. PIPE AND FOUNDRY COMPANYQuikreteworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$13,653
NEWPORT SAND & GRAVEL CO., INC.Newport Sand & Gravelworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$21,861
CERTAINTEED ROOFINGSaint-Gobainworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$13,653
BUZZI UNICEM USA INCBuzzi Unicemworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$9,362
CONTINENTAL CEMENT COMPANY, L.L.C.Summit Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$9,254
MUELLER CO. LLCMueller Water Productsworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$8,190
THE QUIKRETE COMPANIES, LLCQuikreteworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$18,530
LAFARGE HOLCIMHolcim Groupworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$6,632
THE QUIKRETE COMPANIESQuikreteworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$9,294
HANSON AGGREGATES PACIFIC SOUTHWEST LLCHeidelberg Materialsworkplace safety or health violation2021OSHA$24,790
QUIKRETE COMPANIES, INC.Quikreteworkplace safety or health violation2021OSHA$6,881
JELD-WEN, INCORPORATEDJELD-WEN Holdingworkplace safety or health violation2021OSHA$5,266
OLDCASTLE APG SOUTH, INC.CRH PLCworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$18,238
CERTAINTEED CORPORATIONSaint-Gobainworkplace safety or health violation2021OSHA$11,702
ADVANCED DRAINAGE SYSTEMS INCAdvanced Drainage Systemsworkplace safety or health violation2021OSHA$6,300
MASONITE CORPORATIONOwens Corningworkplace safety or health violation2021OSHA$5,050
(*): Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting.