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Violation Tracker Industry Summary Page

Industry: oil and gas
Penalty Total since 2000$56,243,846,277
Number of Records: 6,784
Note: The totals include only those entries matched to a parent company. The industry designation is the primary one for the parent's operations overall. The totals are adjusted to account for the fact that each parent's entries may include both agency records and settlement announcements for the same case; or else a penalty covering multiple locations may be listed in the individual records for each of the facilities. They are also adjusted to reflect cases in which federal and state or local agencies cooperated and issued separate announcements of the outcome. Duplicate or overlapping penalty amounts are marked with an asterisk in the individual records list below.
Top 10 Current Parent CompaniesTotal Penalty $Number of Records
Occidental Petroleum$5,444,736,134264
Exxon Mobil$3,350,645,883631
Marathon Petroleum$1,578,864,782386
Shell PLC$1,342,785,360468
Valero Energy$1,194,249,059338
Phillips 66$808,940,809434
TotalEnergies SE$532,006,220152

Individual Penalty Records:

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CompanyCurrent ParentPrimary Offense TypeYearAgency sort iconPenalty Amount
PHILLIPS 66 COMPANYPhillips 66air pollution violation2005NJ-ENV$8,000
PBF LOGISTICS PRODUCTS TERMINALS, LLCPBF Logisticshazardous waste violation2005NJ-ENV$5,500
CONOCO PHILLIPS FACILITY #2634837Phillips 66water pollution violation2005NJ-ENV$8,500
EXXONMOBIL OIL CORP PAULSBORO FAC COMPLEXExxon Mobilair pollution violation2005NJ-ENV$11,075
PHILLIPS 66 CO - BAYWAY REFINERYPhillips 66hazardous waste violation2004NJ-ENV$5,000
PBF LOGISTICS PRODUCTS TERMINALS LLCPBF Logisticsair pollution violation2004NJ-ENV$33,500
CHEVRON - ONYX SEPARATIONS DIVISIONChevronair pollution violation2004NJ-ENV$99,225
COLONIAL PIPELINE CO -WOODBURY JCT PUMP FACColonial Pipelineair pollution violation2004NJ-ENV$68,000
PAULSBORO REFINING COMPANY LLCPBF Energyair pollution violation2003NJ-ENV$9,200
MOBIL CHEMICAL CO-CPDExxon Mobilhazardous waste violation2003NJ-ENV$5,000
MOTIVA ENTERPRISES LLCSaudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco)air pollution violation2002NJ-ENV$17,400
CHEVRON OIL CO @ PERTH AMBOY REFINERYChevronhazardous waste violation2002NJ-ENV$5,000
PBF LOGISTICS PRODUCTS TERMINALS LLCPBF Logisticsair pollution violation2002NJ-ENV$13,800
VALERO REFINING COMPANY NJPBF Energyair pollution violation2001NJ-ENV$286,860
VALERO REFINING COMPANY NJPBF Energyair pollution violation2001NJ-ENV$28,200
MOBIL CHEMICAL COExxon Mobilair pollution violation2001NJ-ENV$8,000
VALERO REFINING COMPANY NJPBF Energyair pollution violation2001NJ-ENV$85,100
VALERO REFINING COMPANY NJPBF Energyair pollution violation2001NJ-ENV$31,500
BPBPenvironmental violation2021NJ-ENV$5,000
PAULSBORO REFINING CO LLCPBF Energyenvironmental violation2021NJ-ENV$52,750
PAULSBORO REFINING CO LLCPBF Energyair pollution violation2022NJ-ENV$504,550
LUKOIL NORTH AMERICA LLCLukoilenvironmental violation2022NJ-ENV$6,750
PAULSBORO REFINING CO LLCPBF Energyenvironmental violation2023NJ-ENV$6,300
TRANSCONTINENTAL GAS PIPE LINE CO LLCWilliams Companiesenvironmental violation2023NJ-ENV$15,250
TA OPERATING LLCBPenvironmental violation2023NJ-ENV$14,500
PHILLIPS 66 COPhillips 66environmental violation2023NJ-ENV$5,700
GLENN SPRINGS HOLDINGSOccidental Petroleumenvironmental violation2023NJ-ENV$8,000
LUKOIL NORTH AMERICA LLCLukoilenvironmental violation2023NJ-ENV$5,000
BP PRODUCTS NORTH AMERICAN INCBPunderground storage tank violation2024NJ-ENV$27,000
BP PRODUCTS NORTH AMERICA INCBPunderground storage tank violation2024NJ-ENV$16,000
BP PRODUCTS NORTH AMERICA INCBPunderground storage tank violation2024NJ-ENV$5,000
PAULSBORO REFINING CO LLCPBF Energyenvironmental violation2024NJ-ENV$34,650
PBF LOGISTICS PRODUCTS TERMINALS LLCPBF Logisticsair pollution violation2024NJ-ENV$9,760
VALEROValero Energyunderground storage tank violation2024NJ-ENV$6,500
Jiffy Lube International Inc.Shell PLCconsumer protection violation2001NJ-DCA$99,286
Amerada Hess CorporationHess Corp.consumer protection violation2005NJ-AG$372,391
BP America Inc. et al.BPMTBE violation2018NJ-AG$64,000,000
BP Products North America, Inc.BPconsumer protection violation2006NJ-AG$315,000
ChevronChevronenvironmental violation2007NJ-AG$1,000,000
CITGO Petroleum CorporationPDVSA (Petroleos de Venezuela S.A.)consumer protection violation2017NJ-AG$456,610
ConocoPhillipsPhillips 66MTBE violation2017NJ-AG$39,000,000
ExxonMobilExxon Mobilenvironmental violation2015NJ-AG$225,000,000
Occidental Chemical CorporationOccidental Petroleumwater pollution violation2014NJ-AG$190,000,000
Repsol, S.ARepsolwater pollution violation2013NJ-AG$65,000,000
Shell Oil Company et al.Shell PLCMTBE violation2018NJ-AG$68,500,000
YPF S.A.Repsolwater pollution violation2013NJ-AG$65,000,000
ExxonMobilExxon MobilPCB violation2022NJ-AG$9,500,000
Amerada Hess Corp.Hess Corp.environmental violation2005NH-ENV$5,500
ExxonMobil Fuels MarketingExxon Mobilenvironmental violation2004NH-ENV$5,600
ExxonMobilExxon MobilMTBE violation2013NH-AG$236,000,000
ExxonMobil CorporationExxon MobilFalse Claims Act and related2007NH-AG$2,000,000
Shell Oil CompanyShell PLCMTBE violation2012NH-AG$17,500,000
ChevronChevronMTBE violation2011NH-AG$625,000
Continental Resources Inc.Continental Resources Inc.air pollution violation2018ND-ENV$146,000
Continental Resources Inc.Continental Resources Inc.water pollution violation2018ND-ENV$25,250
Whiting Oil and Gas CorporationChord Energyair pollution violation2018ND-ENV$44,000
Whiting Oil and Gas CorporationChord Energyair pollution violation2017ND-ENV$51,000
Continental Resources Inc.Continental Resources Inc.water pollution violation2017ND-ENV$17,900
XTO Energy Inc.Exxon Mobilair pollution violation2016ND-ENV$20,000
Crescent Point Energy U.S. Corp.Crescent Point Energyair pollution violation2016ND-ENV$45,000
Citation Oil & Gas Corp.Citation Oil & Gaswater pollution violation2016ND-ENV$21,000
Oasis Petroleum North America LLCChord Energyair pollution violation2015ND-ENV$10,200
Continental Resources Inc.Continental Resources Inc.water pollution violation2015ND-ENV$24,500
Statoil Oil & GasEquinorair pollution violation2014ND-ENV$81,800
Oasis Petroleum North America LLCChord Energyair pollution violation2014ND-ENV$78,100
SM Energy CompanySM Energyair pollution violation2014ND-ENV$81,100
Marathon Oil CompanyConocoPhillipsair pollution violation2013ND-ENV$169,800
ConocoPhillips CompanyPhillips 66air pollution violation2013ND-ENV$155,200
Hess CorporationHess Corp.air pollution violation2013ND-ENV$418,500
Hunt Oil CompanyHunt Consolidatedair pollution violation2013ND-ENV$80,100
Whiting Oil and Gas CorporationChord Energyair pollution violation2013ND-ENV$178,200
Continental Resources Inc.Continental Resources Inc.air pollution violation2013ND-ENV$305,400
Continental Resources Inc.Continental Resources Inc.water pollution violation2013ND-ENV$62,500
Petro Hunt LLCPetro-Huntwater pollution violation2013ND-ENV$21,000
Oasis Petroleum North America LLCChord Energyair pollution violation2013ND-ENV$13,500
SM Energy CompanySM Energyair pollution violation2011ND-ENV$37,000
Tesoro Refining and MarketingMarathon Petroleumair pollution violation2010ND-ENV$15,500
Tesoro Refining and MarketingMarathon Petroleumair pollution violation2008ND-ENV$26,000
Chevron USAChevronsolid waste violation2008NC-ENV$8,405
TA Operating Corp.BPsolid waste violation2002NC-ENV$76,204
TA Operating Corp.BPsolid waste violation2002NC-ENV$15,992
TA Operating Corp.BPsolid waste violation2002NC-ENV$11,992
TA Operating Corp.BPsolid waste violation2002NC-ENV$5,312
TA Operating Corp.BPsolid waste violation2002NC-ENV$5,286
BPBPoil spill2015MULTI-AG(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $4,900,000,000
BP CorporationBPair pollution violation2001MULTI-AG(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $10,000,000
Chevron U.S.A. Inc.Chevronair pollution violation2003MULTI-AG(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $7,500,000
CITGOPDVSA (Petroleos de Venezuela S.A.)air pollution violation2004MULTI-AG(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $8,600,000
Conoco Inc.ConocoPhillipsair pollution violation2001MULTI-AG(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $1,500,000
ConocoPhillipsPhillips 66air pollution violation2005MULTI-AG(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $14,500,000
ConocoPhillipsPhillips 66tobacco litigation2005MULTI-AG$125,000
Equilon Enterprises LLC, and Deer Park Refining Limited PartnershipShell PLCair pollution violation2001MULTI-AG(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $7,500,000
ExxonMobilExxon Mobilair pollution violation2005MULTI-AG(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $18,400,000
ExxonMobilExxon Mobiltobacco litigation2002MULTI-AG$100,000
Frontier Refining and Frontier El Dorado RefiningHF Sinclair Corporationair pollution violation2009MULTI-AG(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $1,380,000
Marathon Ashland Petroleum LLCMarathon Petroleumair pollution violation2001MULTI-AG(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $100,000
Motiva Enterprises LLCSaudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco)air pollution violation2001MULTI-AG(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $7,500,000
Navajo Refining Company and Montana Refining CompanyHF Sinclair Corporationair pollution violation2001MULTI-AG(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $750,000
Shell Chemical L.P.Shell PLCair pollution violation2010MULTI-AG(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $806,630
Shell Oil Products USShell PLCtobacco litigation2008MULTI-AG$100,000
Sinclair Oil Corp.HF Sinclair Corporationair pollution violation2008MULTI-AG(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $2,450,000
(*): Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting.