ENTERPRISE PRODUCTS OPERATING LLC | Enterprise Products Partners | workplace safety or health violation | 2021 | OSHA | $6,216 |
Enterprise Products Operating L.P. | Enterprise Products Partners | environmental violation | 2009 | TX-ENV | $15,200 |
Enterprise Products Operating L.P. | Enterprise Products Partners | environmental violation | 2006 | TX-ENV | $8,760 |
Enterprise Products Operating L.P. | Enterprise Products Partners | environmental violation | 2006 | TX-ENV | $5,898 |
ENTERPRISE PRODUCTS OPERATING L.P. | Enterprise Products Partners | workplace safety or health violation | 2005 | OSHA | $12,285 |
Enterprise Products Company | Enterprise Products Partners | wage and hour violation | 2013 | WHD | $258,823 |
ENTERPRISE PRODUCTS CO DBA ENTERPRISE TRANS CO | Enterprise Products Partners | workplace safety or health violation | 2004 | OSHA | $7,602 |
Enterprise Products | Enterprise Products Partners | railroad safety violation | 2017 | FRA | $5,000 |
Enterprise Products | Enterprise Products Partners | air pollution violation | 2014 | CO-DPHE | $90,200 |
Enterprise Products | Enterprise Products Partners | air pollution violation | 2011 | CO-DPHE | $50,470 |
Enterprise Products | Enterprise Products Partners | environmental violation | 2023 | CO-DPHE | $10,500 |
ENTERPRISE PRODUCTS | Enterprise Products Partners | workplace safety or health violation | 2011 | OSHA | $7,000 |
Enterprise Hydrocarbons L.P. | Enterprise Products Partners | environmental violation | 2013 | TX-ENV | $95,000 |
Enterprise Hydrocarbons L.P. | Enterprise Products Partners | environmental violation | 2010 | TX-ENV | $7,920 |
Enterprise Gas Processing, LLC | Enterprise Products Partners | environmental violation | 2019 | LA-ENV | $6,800 |
Enterprise Gas Processing, LLC | Enterprise Products Partners | environmental violation | 2014 | LA-ENV | $7,650 |
Enterprise Gas Processing, LLC | Enterprise Products Partners | environmental violation | 2014 | LA-ENV | $70,657 |
Enterprise Gas Processing, LLC | Enterprise Products Partners | air pollution violation | 2024 | EPA | $1,000,000 |
Enterprise Gas Processing LLC | Enterprise Products Partners | air pollution violation | 2024 | LA-ENV | $48,896 |
Enterprise Gas Processing | Enterprise Products Partners | air pollution violation | 2020 | CO-DPHE | $22,750 |
Enterprise Gas Processing | Enterprise Products Partners | air pollution violation | 2014 | CO-DPHE | $35,700 |
Enterprise Gas Processing | Enterprise Products Partners | air pollution violation | 2013 | CO-DPHE | $92,400 |
Enterprise Gas Processing | Enterprise Products Partners | air pollution violation | 2011 | CO-DPHE | $64,950 |
Enterprise Gas Processing | Enterprise Products Partners | air pollution violation | 2011 | CO-DPHE | $23,800 |
Enterprise Gas Processing | Enterprise Products Partners | air pollution violation | 2010 | CO-DPHE | $57,675 |
Enterprise Gas Processing | Enterprise Products Partners | air pollution violation | 2009 | CO-DPHE | $27,600 |
Enterprise Field Services, LLC | Enterprise Products Partners | environmental violation | 2014 | NM-ENV | $1,799,867 |
Enterprise Field Services, LLC | Enterprise Products Partners | environmental violation | 2013 | NM-ENV | $25,160 |
Enterprise Field Services, LLC | Enterprise Products Partners | environmental violation | 2012 | NM-ENV | $5,400 |
Enterprise Field Services, LLC | Enterprise Products Partners | environmental violation | 2021 | NM-EMN | $90,000 |
ENTERPRISE CRUDE PIPELINE, LLC - BULL CREEK SHARRON RIDGE (W14-113) | Enterprise Products Partners | environmental violation | 2016 | EPA | $72,151 |
ENTERPRISE CRUDE PIPELINE LLC | Enterprise Products Partners | pipeline safety violation | 2012 | PHMSA | $143,700 |
ENTERPRISE CRUDE PIPELINE LLC | Enterprise Products Partners | pipeline safety violation | 2011 | PHMSA | $10,000 |
ENTERPRISE CRUDE PIPELINE LLC | Enterprise Products Partners | pipeline safety violation | 2006 | PHMSA | $43,000 |
ENTERPRISE CRUDE PIPELINE LLC | Enterprise Products Partners | pipeline safety violation | 2004 | PHMSA | $70,000 |
ENTERPRISE CRUDE PIPELINE LLC | Enterprise Products Partners | pipeline safety violation | 2016 | PHMSA | $57,600 |
Enterprise Crude Pipeline LLC | Enterprise Products Partners | environmental violation | 2011 | TX-ENV | $6,720 |
Enterprise Crude Pipeline LLC | Enterprise Products Partners | environmental violation | 2020 | TX-RRC | $10,000 |
Enlink Processing Services, LLC et al. | EnLink Midstream | environmental violation | 2017 | LA-ENV | $275,000 |
EnLink Processing Services, LLC | EnLink Midstream | environmental violation | 2021 | LA-ENV | $16,000 |
Enlink Processing Services, LLC | EnLink Midstream | pipeline safety violation | 2024 | PHMSA | $57,000 |
EnLink Midstream Services, LLC | EnLink Midstream | environmental violation | 2018 | TX-ENV | $8,220 |
EnLink Midstream Services, LLC | EnLink Midstream | environmental violation | 2018 | TX-ENV | $5,400 |
EnLink Midstream Services, LLC | EnLink Midstream | environmental violation | 2018 | TX-ENV | $17,063 |
EnLink Midstream Services, LLC | EnLink Midstream | environmental violation | 2016 | TX-ENV | $25,000 |
EnLink Midstream Services, LLC | EnLink Midstream | environmental violation | 2016 | TX-ENV | $7,771 |
Enlink Midstream Partners | EnLink Midstream | wage and hour violation | 2016 | WHD | $6,598 |
EnLink Midstream Operating, LP et al. | EnLink Midstream | environmental violation | 2017 | OH-ENV | $25,000 |
EnLink Midstream | EnLink Midstream | railroad safety violation | 2014 | FRA | $5,000 |
EnLink Midstream | EnLink Midstream | railroad safety violation | 2017 | FRA | $7,500 |
Enlink Midstream | EnLink Midstream | railroad safety violation | 2021 | FRA | $5,000 |
EnLink Midstream | EnLink Midstream | railroad safety violation | 2018 | FRA | $20,000 |
Eni US Operating Company Inc. | ENI | environmental violation | 2021 | AK-OIL | $440,000 |
Eni US Operating Company | ENI | drinking water violation | 2023 | EPA | $113,000 |
ENI US Operating Co. Inc. | ENI | oil or gas drilling violation | 2022 | BSEE | $28,400 |
Eni US Operating Co. Inc. | ENI | environmental violation | 2023 | AK-OIL | $60,000 |
Eni US Operating Co. Inc. | ENI | environmental violation | 2022 | EPA | $113,000 |
ENI S.p.A. and Snamprogetti Netherlands B.V. | ENI | Foreign Corrupt Practices Act | 2010 | SEC | $125,000,000 |
Eni S.p.A. | ENI | Foreign Corrupt Practices Act | 2020 | SEC | $24,500,000 |
Eni Petroleum Co. Inc. | ENI | economic sanction violation | 2008 | OFAC | $6,562 |
ENI PETROLEUM | ENI | workplace safety or health violation | 2014 | OSHA | $7,650 |
ENI PETROLEUM | ENI | workplace safety or health violation | 2014 | OSHA | $7,650 |
Enerplus Resources (USA) Corporation | Chord Energy | environmental violation | 2008 | USAO | $10,000 |
Enerplus Resources (USA) Corporation | Chord Energy | environmental violation | 2011 | EPA | $174,000 |
Enerplus Resources (USA) Corporation | Chord Energy | environmental violation | 2020 | EPA | $200,000 |
ENERPLUS RESOURCES | Chord Energy | air pollution violation | 2020 | CO-DPHE | $10,500 |
ENERPLUS | Chord Energy | environmental violation | 2022 | CO-DPHE | $101,850 |
ENERPLUS | Chord Energy | air pollution violation | 2023 | CO-DPHE | $56,000 |
ENERGY XXI USA INC | Cox Oil | pipeline safety violation | 2018 | PHMSA | $37,100 |
ENERGY XXI PIPELINE LLC | Cox Oil | pipeline safety violation | 2018 | PHMSA | $30,200 |
Energy XXI GOM, LLC | Cox Oil | oil or gas drilling violation | 2014 | BSEE | $7,248 |
Energy XXI GOM, LLC | Cox Oil | oil or gas drilling violation | 2012 | BSEE | $60,000 |
Energy XXI GOM, LLC | Cox Oil | oil or gas drilling violation | 2012 | BSEE | $20,000 |
Energy XXI GOM, LLC | Cox Oil | oil or gas drilling violation | 2011 | BSEE | $40,000 |
Energy XXI GOM, LLC | Cox Oil | oil or gas drilling violation | 2015 | BSEE | $35,000 |
Energy XXI GOM, LLC | Cox Oil | oil or gas drilling violation | 2015 | BSEE | $40,000 |
Energy XXI GOM, LLC | Cox Oil | oil or gas drilling violation | 2008 | BSEE | $15,000 |
Energy XXI GOM, LLC | Cox Oil | oil or gas drilling violation | 2017 | BSEE | $965,000 |
Energy XXI GOM, LLC | Cox Oil | oil or gas drilling violation | 2017 | BSEE | $26,000 |
Energy XXI GOM, LLC | Cox Oil | oil or gas drilling violation | 2017 | BSEE | $26,250 |
Energy XXI GOM, LLC | Cox Oil | oil or gas drilling violation | 2017 | BSEE | $126,000 |
Energy XXI GOM, LLC | Cox Oil | oil or gas drilling violation | 2018 | BSEE | $79,950 |
Energy XXI GOM, LLC | Cox Oil | oil or gas drilling violation | 2018 | BSEE | $63,500 |
Energy XXI GOM, LLC | Cox Oil | oil or gas drilling violation | 2018 | BSEE | $73,000 |
Energy XXI GOM, LLC | Cox Oil | oil or gas drilling violation | 2018 | BSEE | $26,000 |
Energy XXI GOM, LLC | Cox Oil | oil or gas drilling violation | 2017 | BSEE | $52,000 |
Energy XXI GOM, LLC | Cox Oil | oil or gas drilling violation | 2018 | BSEE | $31,750 |
Energy XXI GOM, LLC | Cox Oil | oil or gas drilling violation | 2020 | BSEE | $90,926 |
Energy XXI GOM, LLC | Cox Oil | oil or gas drilling violation | 2023 | BSEE | $14,750 |
Energy XXI GOM, LLC | Cox Oil | oil or gas drilling violation | 2023 | BSEE | $8,750 |
Energy XXI | Cox Oil | oil or gas drilling violation | 2016 | BSEE | $25,000 |
Energy Resources Technology GOM, Inc. | Talos Energy | oil or gas drilling violation | 2011 | BSEE | $105,000 |
Energy Resource Technology, Inc. | Talos Energy | oil or gas drilling violation | 2002 | BSEE | $15,000 |
Energy Resource Technology, Inc. | Talos Energy | oil or gas drilling violation | 2001 | BSEE | $12,000 |
Energy Resource Technology, Inc | Talos Energy | oil or gas drilling violation | 2008 | BSEE | $135,000 |
Energy Resource Technology, Inc | Talos Energy | oil or gas drilling violation | 2001 | BSEE | $45,000 |
Energy Resource Technology, Inc | Talos Energy | oil or gas drilling violation | 2001 | BSEE | $20,000 |
Energy Resource Technology GOM, Inc. | Talos Energy | oil or gas drilling violation | 2014 | BSEE | $30,000 |
Energy Resource Technology GOM, Inc. | Talos Energy | oil or gas drilling violation | 2014 | BSEE | $80,000 |
Energy Resource Technology GOM, Inc. | Talos Energy | oil or gas drilling violation | 2013 | BSEE | $35,000 |
Energy Resource Technology GOM, Inc. | Talos Energy | oil or gas drilling violation | 2013 | BSEE | $40,000 |