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Violation Tracker Industry Summary Page

Industry: utilities and power generation
Penalty Total since 2000$50,644,784,833
Number of Records: 3,182
Note: The totals include only those entries matched to a parent company. The industry designation is the primary one for the parent's operations overall. The totals are adjusted to account for the fact that each parent's entries may include both agency records and settlement announcements for the same case; or else a penalty covering multiple locations may be listed in the individual records for each of the facilities. They are also adjusted to reflect cases in which federal and state or local agencies cooperated and issued separate announcements of the outcome. Duplicate or overlapping penalty amounts are marked with an asterisk in the individual records list below.
Top 10 Current Parent CompaniesTotal Penalty $Number of Records
PG&E Corp.$20,000,155,735137
American Electric Power$4,798,381,235114
Dominion Energy$3,951,930,06367
Duke Energy$2,953,306,709106
Sempra Energy$2,045,797,29598
Hawaiian Electric Industries$1,990,557,52316
NRG Energy$1,390,149,517105
Edison International$1,360,081,71887
Alliant Energy$1,027,644,49716

Individual Penalty Records:

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CompanyCurrent ParentPrimary Offense TypeYear sort iconAgencyPenalty Amount
Nicor, Inc.Southern Companyaccounting fraud or deficiencies2007SEC$10,000,000
AMERICAN WATER SERVICES OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCEAmerican Water Worksbenefit plan administrator violation2007EBSA$50,001
Hawaiian Electric Company, IncHawaiian Electric Industrieswage and hour violation2007WHD$51,788
Central Maine Power CompanyIberdrolalabor relations violation2007NLRB$149,865
Yankee GasEverSource Energylabor relations violation2007NLRB$90,000
AREVA NP, Inc.EDF-Electricite de Francelabor relations violation2007NLRB$10,000
Washington Gas Light CompanyAltaGaslabor relations violation2007NLRB$150,000
FirstEnergy Service CompanyFirstEnergylabor relations violation2007NLRB$15,000
NRG Energy, Inc.NRG Energylabor relations violation2007NLRB$10,308
Aquila, Inc.Evergy Inc.benefit plan administrator violation2007private lawsuit-federal$10,500,000
Southern CompanySouthern Companybenefit plan administrator violation2007private lawsuit-federal$15,000,000
Allegheny Energy, Inc.FirstEnergybenefit plan administrator violation2007private lawsuit-federal$4,000,000
Dynegy, Inc.Vistra Energybenefit plan administrator violation2007private lawsuit-federal$9,975,000
AmerenAmerenutility safety violation2007MO-AG$179,750,000
American Electric PowerAmerican Electric Powerenvironmental violation2007MULTI-AG(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $4,675,000,000
Connecticut Natural GasIberdrolaconsumer protection violation2007CT-AG$130,000
Mirant CorporationNRG Energyenvironmental violation2007NY-AG$1,000,000
Reliant Energy Services Inc.NRG Energyprice-fixing or anti-competitive practices2007USAO$22,200,000
GENON POWER MIDWEST LPNRG Energyenvironmental violation2007PA-ENV$10,000
SIEMENS GAMESA RENEWABLE ENERGY WIND LLCSiemens Energyenvironmental violation2007PA-ENV$20,000
PEOPLES NATURAL GAS CO LLCEssential Utilities Inc.environmental violation2007PA-ENV$18,400
GAMESA WIND PA LLCSiemens Energyenvironmental violation2007PA-ENV$654,946
ENERGY HARBOR GENERATION LLCVistra Energyenvironmental violation2007PA-ENV$25,000
ALLEGHENY ENERGY SUPPLY CO LLCFirstEnergyenvironmental violation2007PA-ENV$15,000
ALLEGHENY ENERGY SUPPLY CO LLCFirstEnergyenvironmental violation2007PA-ENV$9,500
Pacific Gas and ElectricPG&E Corp.air pollution violation2007CA-ARB$220,000
San Diego Gas & Electric, Inc.Sempra Energyhazardous waste violation2007CA-DTSC$53,203
TAMPA ELECTRIC COMPANYEmeraenvironmental violation2007FL-DEP$5,000
TAMPA ELECTRIC COMPANYEmeraenvironmental violation2007FL-DEP$10,000
UNION ELECTRICAmerensolid waste violation2007IL-ENV$20,000
HOOSIER ENERGYHoosier Energyenvironmental violation2007IN-ENV$10,200
EAST KENTUCKY POWER COOPERATIVE, INC.East Kentucky Power Cooperativewater pollution violation2007KY-ENV$18,000
Constellation Power Source Generation, Inc. and BBSS, Inc.Constellation Energy Corporationwater pollution violation2007MD-ENV$1,000,000
CONSTELLATION POWERConstellation Energy Corporationair pollution violation2007MD-ENV$100,000
PSEG FOSSIL LLC LINDEN GEN ST & PSE&G SNG PLTPublic Service Enterpriseair pollution violation2007NJ-ENV$8,000
PSE&G HOPE CREEK GENERATING STATIONPublic Service Enterprisehazardous waste violation2007NJ-ENV$8,250
FirstEnergy Generation Corp.FirstEnergyair pollution violation2007PA-ENV$25,000
FirstEnergy Generation CorpFirstEnergyair pollution violation2007PA-ENV$25,000
DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS LLCDuke Energywater pollution violation2007SC-ENV$7,268
Aqua Utilities, Inc. dba Aqua Texas, Inc.Essential Utilities Inc.environmental violation2007TX-ENV$6,304
Aqua Utilities, Inc.Essential Utilities Inc.environmental violation2007TX-ENV$24,750
NRG Texas LPNRG Energyenvironmental violation2007TX-ENV$5,940
Aqua Utilities, Inc. and Land 'Or Utility Company, Inc.Essential Utilities Inc.environmental violation2007VA-ENV$12,100
Southern California Edison Co.Edison Internationalconsumer protection violation2007AZ-CC$4,800,000
Pacific Gas & Electric Co. (PG&E)PG&E Corp.consumer protection violation2007CA-PUC$35,000,000
Washington Gas Light CompanyAltaGasconsumer protection violation2007DC-PSC$350,000
Washington Gas Light CompanyAltaGasutility service violation2007DC-PSC$25,000
Detroit EdisonDTE Energyconsumer protection violation2007MI-PSC$50,000
Detroit EdisonDTE Energyutility service violation2007MI-PSC$50,000
JERSEY CENTRAL POWER AND LIGHTFirstEnergyutility safety violation2007NJ-BPU$25,000
Columbia Gas of Ohio IncNiSourceutility safety violation2007OH-PUC$250,000
PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANYPortland General Electricutility safety violation2007OR-PUC$19,000
PEOPLES NATURAL GAS CO. LLCEssential Utilities Inc.utility safety violation2007PA-PUC$50,000
PEOPLES NATURAL GAS CO. LLCEssential Utilities Inc.consumer protection violation2007PA-PUC$22,500
PEOPLES NATURAL GAS CO. LLCEssential Utilities Inc.consumer protection violation2007PA-PUC$6,900
PEOPLES NATURAL GAS CO. LLCEssential Utilities Inc.consumer protection violation2007PA-PUC$7,750
TXU Electric Delivery CompanyVistra Energyconsumer protection violation2007TX-PUC$5,000,000
Reliant Energy Power Supply, LLCNRG Energyutility service violation2007TX-PUC$111,581
Entergy Gulf States, Inc.Entergyutility service violation2007TX-PUC$19,000
Columbia Gas of Virginia, IncNiSourceutility safety violation2007VA-SCC$80,900
Columbia Gas of Virginia, IncNiSourceutility safety violation2007VA-SCC$56,200
Columbia Gas of Virginia, IncNiSourceutility safety violation2007VA-SCC$30,000
Atmos Energy CorporationAtmos Energyutility safety violation2007VA-SCC$31,375
Columbia Gas of Virginia, IncNiSourceutility safety violation2007VA-SCC$11,500
Atmos Energy CorporationAtmos Energyutility safety violation2007VA-SCC$5,000
Aquila Merchant Services Inc.Evergy Inc.price-fixing or anti-competitive practices2007private lawsuit-federal$1,013,846
CMS Energy Resources ManagementCMS Energyprice-fixing or anti-competitive practices2007private lawsuit-federal$700,000
Dynegy Inc.Vistra Energyprice-fixing or anti-competitive practices2007private lawsuit-federal$2,400,000
PG&EPG&E Corp.workplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$6,750
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISONEdison Internationalworkplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$28,125
P G & EPG&E Corp.workplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$6,750
PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANYPG&E Corp.workplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$18,000
NORTHWESTERN ENERGY, INC.NorthWestern Corp.workplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$55,000
AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY, INC., MUSKINGUMAmerican Electric Powerworkplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$55,650
PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC & GASPublic Service Enterpriseworkplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$11,050
ATMOS ENERGY CORPORATIONAtmos Energyworkplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$10,000
PUBLIC SERVICE CO OF COLORADO DBA XCEL ENERGYXcel Energyworkplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$6,000
PUBLIC SERVICE CO OF COLORADO DBA XCEL ENERGYXcel Energyworkplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$9,000
PUBLIC SERVICE CO. OF COLORADO DBA XCEL ENERGYXcel Energyworkplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$150,000
KENTUCKY UTILITIES COMPANYPPL Corp.workplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$6,300
PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC CO.PG&E Corp.workplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$6,750
ORMAT NEVADA INCOrmat Technologiesworkplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$29,500
AVISTA CORPORATIONAvistaworkplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$17,600
SIEMENS POWER GENERATION INCSiemens Energyworkplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$10,275
NORTHWESTERN ENERGYNorthWestern Corp.workplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$20,000
DOMINION ENERGY NEW ENGLANDDominion Energyworkplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$23,400
SUZLON ROTOR CORPORATIONSuzlonworkplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$5,950
PSE&G FOSSIL LLCPublic Service Enterpriseenvironmental violation2007EPA$13,400,000
AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER CO (NATIONAL CASE)American Electric Powerenvironmental violation2007EPA(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $6,225,000
MIRANT CORPORATIONNRG Energyenvironmental violation2007EPA$1,470,000
AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWERAmerican Electric Powerenvironmental violation2007EPA(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $750,000
EAST KENTUCKY POWER COOPERATIVEEast Kentucky Power Cooperativeenvironmental violation2007EPA(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $750,000
Detroit Edison Co. (River Rouge)DTE Energyenvironmental violation2007EPA$52,333
AmeriGasPropane LPUGI Corp.environmental violation2007EPA$19,432
Blue Mountain Energy IncDeseret Generation & Transmission Cooperativeworkplace safety or health violation2007MSHA$5,300
Blue Mountain Energy IncDeseret Generation & Transmission Cooperativeworkplace safety or health violation2007MSHA$8,209
Luminant Mining Company LLCVistra Energyworkplace safety or health violation2007MSHA$45,000
Luminant Mining Company LLCVistra Energyworkplace safety or health violation2007MSHA$45,000
Luminant Mining Co LLCVistra Energyworkplace safety or health violation2007MSHA$9,100
Luminant Mining Co LLCVistra Energyworkplace safety or health violation2007MSHA$9,100
Luminant Mining Company LLCVistra Energyworkplace safety or health violation2007MSHA$9,000
(*): Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting.