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564 Violation Tracker results found

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CompanyCurrent Parent sort iconCurrent Parent IndustryPrimary Offense TypeYearAgencyPenalty Amount
Baystar Capital Management LLC investor protection violation2011USAO$12,112,416
P.P. List Management Inc. and Transmonde USA Inc. fraud2010USAO$100,000
BL Trading LLC fraud2010USAO$182,404
Ceramic Protection Corporation of America False Claims Act and related2010USAO$267,000
Columbia Farms Inc. work visa violations2009USAO$1,500,000
Tacos de Mexico Inc. environmental violation2009USAO$26,565
NeuroMetrix Inc. kickbacks and bribery2009USAO$3,700,000
Parkway Village Equity Corp. environmental violation2008USAO$490,000
Alabama Contract Sales Inc. kickbacks and bribery2007USAO$894,674
Netversant-Atlanta Inc. price-fixing or anti-competitive practices2007USAO$850,000
Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity environmental violation2007USAO$500,000
Appalachian Oil Company Inc. fraud2007USAO$255,000
Mantra Films Inc. and MRA Holdings Inc. sexual exploitation of minors2006USAO$1,600,000
Roger Williams Medical Center kickbacks and bribery2006USAO$4,000,000
Friedman's Inc. accounting fraud or deficiencies2005USAO$2,000,000
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey False Claims Act and related2005USAO$4,900,000
New York Racing Association Inc. tax violations2005USAO$3,000,000
Whitehall Jewellers, Inc. fraud2004USAO$15,132,480
Rising Pharmaceuticals Inc. price-fixing or anti-competitive practices2019DOJ_ANTITRUST$3,038,000
Propex Derivatives Pty Ltd investor protection violation2020DOJ_CRIMINAL$1,000,000
Pentax Medical Company drug or medical equipment safety violation2020DOJ_CIVIL$43,000,000
Alutiiq International Solutions LLC kickbacks and bribery2020DOJ_CRIMINAL$1,259,444
Natural Advantage LLC Controlled Substances Act violation2020USAO$1,938,650
Christie's Inc. tax violations2020NY-MANDA$16,700,000
Essentra FZE Company Limited export control violation2020DOJ_NATSEC$665,112
Jia Yuan USA Co., Inc. kickbacks and bribery2020USAO$1,050,000
Rockwater Northeast LLC air pollution violation2020USAO$2,000,000
Rahn + Bodmer Co. tax violations2021USAO$22,000,000
Berlitz Languages Inc. price-fixing or anti-competitive practices2021DOJ_ANTITRUST$203,984
Comprehensive Language Center Inc. price-fixing or anti-competitive practices2021DOJ_ANTITRUST$196,984
Epsilon Data Management LLC privacy violation2021DOJ_CIVIL$150,000,000
PT Bukit Muria Jaya fraud2021DOJ_NATSEC$1,561,570
CP Employer, Inc. kickbacks and bribery2021USAO$1,200,000
Stronghold Engineering, Inc. False Claims Act and related2021USAO$2,500,000
Avanos Medical Inc. drug or medical equipment safety violation2021DOJ_CIVIL$22,228,000
KBM Group LLC privacy violation2021DOJ_CIVIL$42,000,000
National Spine & Pain Center, LLC kickbacks and bribery2021USAO$5,100,000
Constructure Technologies, LLC intellectual property violation2021USAO$60,000
Preferred Family Healthcare kickbacks and bribery2022DOJ_CRIMINAL$8,000,000
HPM Corporation False Claims Act and related2022USAO$2,939,400
Solera Specialty Pharmacy False Claims Act and related2022DOJ_CIVIL$1,310,000
GOL Linhas Aereas Inteligentes S.A. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act2022DOJ_CRIMINAL$17,000,000
Pro1 fraud2022USAO$1,000,000
Camden Treatment Associates LLC False Claims Act and related2022USAO$3,150,000
IRB Brasil Resseguros SA investor protection violation2023DOJ_CRIMINAL$5,000,000
Davey Tree Expert Company work visa violations2023USAO$3,984,325
H&D Sonography LLC kickbacks and bribery2023USAO$95,000
Corporacion Financiera Colombiana S.A. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act2023DOJ_CRIMINAL$20,000,000
Tysers Insurance Brokers Limited Foreign Corrupt Practices Act2023DOJ_CRIMINAL$46,500,000
H.W. Wood Limited Foreign Corrupt Practices Act2023DOJ_CRIMINAL$508,000
Lifecore Biomedical, Inc. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act2023DOJ_CRIMINAL$1,286,060
Pro-Mark Services, Inc. False Claims Act and related2023DOJ_ANTITRUST$949,000
Banque Pictet et Cie SA tax violations2023DOJ_TAX$122,900,000
Skinner Tank Co. workplace safety or health violation2023OSHA$370,680
Aylo Holdings S.A.R.L. unlawful receipt of sex trafficking proceeds2023USAO$1,844,952
Freepoint Commodities LLC Foreign Corrupt Practices Act2023DOJ_CRIMINAL$98,000,000
KVK Research Inc. and KVK Tech Inc. drug or medical equipment safety violation2024DOJ_CIVIL$3,500,000
Magellan Diagnostics, Inc. drug or medical equipment safety violation2024USAO$42,000,000
CBM Company False Claims Act and related2024USAO$2,402,102
Boston Consulting Group, Inc. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act2024DOJ_CRIMINAL$14,424,000
Morris & Dickson Controlled Substances Act violation2024USAO$13,750,000
Telefonica Venezolana C.A. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act2024DOJ_CRIMINAL$85,200,000
Fresh Mark, Inc. obstruction of justice2024USAO$3,719,997
(*): Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting.