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Violation Tracker Current Parent Company Summary

Current Parent Company Name: General Electric
Ownership Structure: publicly traded (ticker symbol NYSE: GE)
Headquartered in: Massachusetts
Major Industry: diversified
Specific Industry: diversified
Penalty total since 2000$1,978,636,544
Number of records: 86
Top 5 Offense Groups (Groups Defined)Penalty TotalNumber of Records
financial offenses$1,752,785,1285
employment-related offenses$120,988,58716
environment-related offenses$39,236,14727
competition-related offenses$35,130,30011
government-contracting-related offenses$30,043,2044
Top 5 Primary Offense TypesPenalty TotalNumber of Records
toxic securities abuses$1,500,000,0001
accounting fraud or deficiencies$250,000,0002
benefit plan administrator violation$101,250,0024
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act$33,900,0002
False Claims Act and related$30,043,2044
Notes: Parent-subsidiary linkages are based on relationships current as of the latest revision listed in the Update Log, which may vary from what was the case when a violation occurred. The penalty totals are adjusted to account for the fact that the individual entries below may include both agency records and settlement announcements for the same case; or else a penalty covering multiple locations may be listed in the individual records for each of the facilities. The totals are also adjusted to reflect cases in which federal and state or local agencies cooperated and issued separate announcements of the outcome. Duplicate or overlapping penalty amounts are marked with an asterisk in the list below.

Links: For a summary of this company's regulatory penalties in more than 50 other countries, see its Violation Tracker Global summary page here.

Subsidy Tracker data on financial assistance to this company by federal, state and local government agencies can be found here.

Individual Penalty Records:

Click on the company or penalty amount for more information on each case.

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Company sort iconPrimary Offense TypeYearAgencyPenalty Amount
ABB Vetco Gray Inc. and ABB Vetco Gray UK Ltd.Foreign Corrupt Practices Act2004DOJ_CRIMINAL$10,500,000
Datex-Ohmeda, Inc.economic sanction violation2007OFAC$66,547
DATEX-OHMEDA, INC.benefit plan administrator violation2007EBSA$50,001
DATEX-OHMEDA, INC.benefit plan administrator violation2007EBSA$50,001
DI Canada Inc.export control violation2006BIS$6,600
DI U.K. Ltd.export control violation2006BIS$122,100
Dresser Equipment Group, Inc.environmental violation2000CT-ENV$86,000
Dresser Inc.export control violation2006BIS$110,000
Dresser Instruments S.A. de C.V.export control violation2006BIS$12,000
Dresser International Inc.export control violation2006BIS$6,600
Dresser Italia S.r.l.export control violation2006BIS$820,000
Dresser Valve Plantlabor relations violation2002NLRB$60,000
Dresser, Inc.export control violation2012BIS$88,000
Dresser, Inc.air pollution violation2009WI-AG$85,000
DRESSER, INC.workplace safety or health violation2006OSHA$9,675
Dresser, Inc.environmental violation2003EPA$34,832
Dresser, Incorporatedexport control violation2007BIS$9,000
Ecolochem, Incwage and hour violation2004WHD$191,412
GE (HYDRIL Manufacturing USA LLC)environmental violation2012EPA$49,950
GE AerospaceFalse Claims Act and related2023USAO$9,413,024
GE Aerospaceemployment discrimination2024OFCCP$443,000
GE Aviationemployment discrimination2019OFCCP$48,911
GE AVIATION SYSTEMSworkplace safety or health violation2012OSHA$18,000
GE COenvironmental violation2006PA-ENV$7,500
GE COenvironmental violation2009PA-ENV$6,500
GE Energy Ceramic Composite Productsenvironmental violation2003DE-ENV$10,970
GE Engine Services Corp.air pollution violation2005CA-SCAQMD$20,000
GE ENGINE SERVICES DISTRIBUTION LLCworkplace safety or health violation2013OSHA$5,000
GE ENGINE SERVICES-CORPORATE AVIATION INCaviation safety violation2005FAA$10,000
GE HITACHI NUCLEAR ENERGYworkplace safety or health violation2011OSHA$5,480
GE IONICS INCenvironmental violation2000PA-ENV$15,000
GE Nuclear Energyexport control violation2006BIS$56,000
GE OSMONICS, INCenvironmental violation2007EPA$20,800
General ElectricPCB violation2014EPA$24,000,000
General ElectricForeign Corrupt Practices Act2010SEC$23,400,000
General Electricenvironmental violation2015EPA$2,250,000
General ElectricFalse Claims Act and related2006DOJ_CIVIL$11,500,000
General Electriclabor relations violation2006NLRB$90,000
General ElectricFalse Claims Act and related2016USAO$2,550,180
General Electricwage and hour violation2017private lawsuit-federal$9,500,000
General Electricwage and hour violation2012private lawsuit-federal$1,000,000
General Electricemployment discrimination2018OFCCP$284,881
General Electricemployment discrimination2001private lawsuit-federal$450,172
General Electricemployment discrimination2008private lawsuit-federal$7,509,345
General Electrictoxic securities abuses2019DOJ_CIVIL$1,500,000,000
GENERAL ELECTRICsolid waste violation2011IL-ENV$178,576
GENERAL ELECTRICair pollution violation2001KY-ENV$17,000
General Electricbenefit plan administrator violation2024private lawsuit-federal$61,000,000
GENERAL ELECTRICenvironmental violation2003EPA$94,380
GENERAL ELECTRIC - CIRCLEVILLE LAMP PLANTworkplace safety or health violation2014OSHA$17,225
GENERAL ELECTRIC - CIRCLEVILLE LAMP PLANTworkplace safety or health violation2015OSHA$7,000
GENERAL ELECTRIC - CIRCLEVILLE LAMP PLANTworkplace safety or health violation2015OSHA$11,550
GENERAL ELECTRIC AIRCRAFT ENGINESaviation safety violation2004FAA$105,000
GENERAL ELECTRIC AIRCRAFT ENGINESaviation safety violation2000FAA$5,000
General Electric Aviation SystemsFalse Claims Act and related2013DOJ_CIVIL$6,580,000
General Electric Co.environmental violation2016CA-DTSC$625,000
General Electric Co.environmental violation2008NH-ENV$6,050
General Electric Co.accounting fraud or deficiencies2020SEC$200,000,000
General Electric Companyaccounting fraud or deficiencies2009SEC$50,000,000
General Electric Companybenefit plan administrator violation2009private lawsuit-federal$40,150,000
General Electric Companyeconomic sanction violation2019OFAC$2,718,581
General Electric Companyhazardous waste violation2004GA-ENV$70,000
GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANYsolid waste violation2009IL-ENV$76,109
General Electric Companyenvironmental violation2014private lawsuit-federal$7,950,000
GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANYworkplace safety or health violation2010OSHA$11,475
GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANYworkplace safety or health violation2011OSHA$5,000
GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANYworkplace safety or health violation2021OSHA$13,653
GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANYenvironmental violation2000EPA$5,120
General Electric Companyenvironmental violation2014EPA$52,495
General Electric Companyenvironmental violation2005EPA$47,685
GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY dba GE INTERLOGIXhazardous waste violation2003OR-ENV$6,708
General Electric Company et al.environmental violation2017EPA$3,500,000
GENERAL ELECTRIC ENGINE SERVICES INCaviation safety violation2010FAA$13,500
GENERAL ELECTRIC ENGINE SERVICES INCaviation safety violation2010FAA$13,500
GENERAL ELECTRIC GAS TURBINESair pollution violation2004SC-ENV$9,000
GENERAL ELECTRIC INTERNATIONAL INC.workplace safety or health violation2004OSHA$11,900
GENERAL ELECTRIC INTERNATIONAL, INC.workplace safety or health violation2015OSHA$6,300
Mr. Christopher Burich Program Leaderenvironmental violation2021EPA$11,472
OSMONICS INC.workplace safety or health violation2001OSHA$6,750
Smiths Aerospacelabor relations violation2007NLRB$12,000
SMITHS AEROSPACEworkplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$18,370
SMITHS AEROSPACE COMPONENTSworkplace safety or health violation2006OSHA$134,000
SMITHS AEROSPACE INC.workplace safety or health violation2006OSHA$5,500
SMITHS AEROSPACE LLCaviation safety violation2007FAA$14,300
The General Electric Companywage and hour violation2004WHD$148,864
UNISON INDUSTRIES, LLCworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$5,000
(*): Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting.