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Violation Tracker Individual Record

Company: Home Free Lead Inspections, LLC
Penalty: $400,000
Year: 2021
Date: March 29, 2021
Offense Group: environment-related offenses
Primary Offense: lead violation
Violation Description: The settlement resolved allegations that Home Free and two of its inspectors failed to properly perform lead-based paint inspections, issued lead-free inspection certificates for properties that had not been thoroughly inspected, failed to provide notification prior to performing inspections, and failed to submit timely inspection certificates to the Maryland Department of the Environment.
Level of Government: state
Action Type: agency action
Agency: Maryland Attorney General
Civil or Criminal Case: civil
Facility State: Maryland
Source of Data(click here)
Source Notes: If an online information source is not working, check the Violation Tracker Data Sources page for an updated link.
Current parent company note: Parent-subsidiary relationship is current as of the most recent revision listed in the Update Log.