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Violation Tracker Current Parent Company Summary

Current Parent Company Name: AT&T
Ownership Structure: publicly traded (ticker symbol T)
Headquartered in: Texas
Major Industry: telecommunications
Specific Industry: telecommunications
Penalty total since 2000$1,298,782,739
Number of records: 334
Top 5 Offense Groups (Groups Defined)Penalty TotalNumber of Records
consumer-protection-related offenses$811,600,09391
employment-related offenses$309,194,915136
environment-related offenses$96,424,62429
competition-related offenses$52,150,0004
government-contracting-related offenses$18,240,8465
Top 5 Primary Offense TypesPenalty TotalNumber of Records
telecommunications violation$350,680,30030
consumer protection violation$329,122,79349
benefit plan administrator violation$148,675,0004
wage and hour violation$140,931,75443
privacy violation$106,370,0008
Notes: Parent-subsidiary linkages are based on relationships current as of the latest revision listed in the Update Log, which may vary from what was the case when a violation occurred. The penalty totals are adjusted to account for the fact that the individual entries below may include both agency records and settlement announcements for the same case; or else a penalty covering multiple locations may be listed in the individual records for each of the facilities. The totals are also adjusted to reflect cases in which federal and state or local agencies cooperated and issued separate announcements of the outcome. Duplicate or overlapping penalty amounts are marked with an asterisk in the list below.

Links: For a summary of this company's regulatory penalties in more than 50 other countries, see its Violation Tracker Global summary page here.

Subsidy Tracker data on financial assistance to this company by federal, state and local government agencies can be found here.

Individual Penalty Records:

Click on the company or penalty amount for more information on each case.

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CompanyPrimary Offense Type sort iconYearAgencyPenalty Amount
AT&TFalse Claims Act and related2013DOJ_CIVIL$3,500,000
AT&T MissouriFalse Claims Act and related2009DOJ_CIVIL$1,400,000
AT&T Technical Services Corp.False Claims Act and related2009DOJ_CIVIL$8,266,414
AT&T Communications- East, Inc.False Claims Act and related2006DOJ_CIVIL$2,900,000
Cricket Communications Inc.False Claims Act and related2014USAO$2,174,432
AT&TFamily and Medical Leave Act2011WHD$55,979
SBC Communications, Inc.Family and Medical Leave Act2004WHD$15,000
Southwestern Bell CommunicationsFamily and Medical Leave Act2004WHD$20,000
AT&T Mobility Services LLCFamily and Medical Leave Act2018WHD$20,290
DirecTV LLCFamily and Medical Leave Act2016WHD$12,576
BellSouth CorporationForeign Corrupt Practices Act2002SEC$150,000
DirecTVhazardous waste violation2017CA-AG$9,500,000
AT&T CORPORATIONhazardous waste violation2002NJ-ENV$9,000
AT&Thazardous waste violation2022CA-MULTI$5,900,000
AT&Tinvestor protection violation2022SEC$6,250,000
AT&T Illinoiskickbacks and bribery2022USAO$23,000,000
AT & Tlabor relations violation2012NLRB$60,000
AT&Tlabor relations violation2011NLRB$17,000
AT&T Mobility LLClabor relations violation2011NLRB$39,972
AT&T Mobilitylabor relations violation2011NLRB$10,000
DirecTV Home Services Sacramentolabor relations violation2010NLRB$50,000
AT & T Mobilitylabor relations violation2010NLRB$5,173
AT&Tlabor relations violation2010NLRB$35,000
DirecTV Customer Services, Inc.labor relations violation2010NLRB$21,056
AT&Tlabor relations violation2010NLRB$6,600
SBC Internet Services Inc. d/b/a AT&T Internet Serviceslabor relations violation2010NLRB$38,187
AT&Tlabor relations violation2009NLRB$10,000
AT&Tlabor relations violation2009NLRB$11,695
Southwestern Bell Telephone, L.P.labor relations violation2009NLRB$117,000
AT&Tlabor relations violation2009NLRB$15,000
AT&T (Southwestern Bell Telephone)labor relations violation2009NLRB$80,000
AT&Tlabor relations violation2008NLRB$6,720
AT&Tlabor relations violation2008NLRB$5,000
AT&Tlabor relations violation2008NLRB$5,000
AT&T Mobilitylabor relations violation2008NLRB$5,000
AT&Tlabor relations violation2008NLRB$5,000
AT&Tlabor relations violation2008NLRB$10,000
AT&Tlabor relations violation2008NLRB$10,000
BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc.labor relations violation2007NLRB$28,477
Bell Southlabor relations violation2007NLRB$60,825
AT&Tlabor relations violation2007NLRB$20,887
BellSouth Telecommunicationslabor relations violation2007NLRB$10,000
BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc.labor relations violation2007NLRB$82,000
Cingular Wirelesslabor relations violation2006NLRB$10,000
AT&T/SBClabor relations violation2006NLRB$30,000
Cingular Wirelesslabor relations violation2006NLRB$7,000
AT&Tlabor relations violation2006NLRB$25,000
BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc.labor relations violation2006NLRB$58,665
SBC Communicationslabor relations violation2006NLRB$10,831
SBC Communications aka: Advanced Solutions Inc., et al.labor relations violation2005NLRB$7,000
SBC Communicationslabor relations violation2005NLRB$7,500
AT&T Corporationlabor relations violation2005NLRB$75,000
Southwestern Bell Telephone Companylabor relations violation2005NLRB$18,000
Dobson Cellular Systems, Inc.labor relations violation2004NLRB$25,000
AT&T Broadband & Internet Serviceslabor relations violation2004NLRB$5,000
BELLSOUTHlabor relations violation2004NLRB$18,000
AT&Tlabor relations violation2004NLRB$37,000
AT&T Corporationlabor relations violation2004NLRB$101,864
Cingular Wirelesslabor relations violation2004NLRB$8,000
AT&T Communicationslabor relations violation2004NLRB$5,000
Bell South Telecommunicationslabor relations violation2003NLRB$39,700
AT&T Corp.labor relations violation2003NLRB$90,900
SBC, Inc.labor relations violation2003NLRB$23,646
Bell Soutn Communicationslabor relations violation2003NLRB$77,472
AT&T Broadband d/b/a TCI Cablevision of Texas, Inc.labor relations violation2003NLRB$25,500
AT&T Broadband d/b/a TCI Cablevision of Texas, Inc.labor relations violation2003NLRB$22,400
Bellsouth - Directory Assistance Officelabor relations violation2003NLRB$10,000
A T & Tlabor relations violation2003NLRB$100,000
AT&T Broadband Morris ILlabor relations violation2003NLRB$7,908
AT & T Broadbandlabor relations violation2003NLRB$5,500
Bellsouth Telecommunicationslabor relations violation2002NLRB$42,000
Southwestern Bell Telephonelabor relations violation2002NLRB$5,560
A T & T COMMUNICATIONSlabor relations violation2002NLRB$9,000
Southwestern Bell Telephone Companylabor relations violation2001NLRB$14,200
AT & T Broadbandlabor relations violation2001NLRB$8,481
Southwestern Bell Telephone Companylabor relations violation2001NLRB$60,846
AT&Tlabor relations violation2000NLRB$7,000
AT&T/ALSlabor relations violation2000NLRB$24,000
Pacific Bell Telephone Company, Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&Tlabor relations violation2018NLRB$616,000
DIRECTVprivacy violation2009FTC$2,310,000
AT&Tprivacy violation2005MO-AG$10,000
DIRECTV Inc.privacy violation2006MO-AG$50,000
Southwestern Bell Telephoneprivacy violation2005MO-AG$150,000
DirecTVprivacy violation2023private lawsuit-federal$17,000,000
DirecTV LLCprivacy violation2023private lawsuit-federal$16,850,000
AT&T, Inc.privacy violation2024FCC$57,000,000
AT&T Services Inc.privacy violation2024FCC$13,000,000
AT&Ttelecommunications violation2016FCC$450,000
AT&T Servicestelecommunications violation2016FCC$7,750,000
AT&Ttelecommunications violation2016FCC$170,185
AT&T Mobility LLCtelecommunications violation2015FCC$100,000,000
AT&T Services Inc.telecommunications violation2015FCC$6,900,000
AT&T Services Inc.telecommunications violation2015FCC$25,000,000
AT&Ttelecommunications violation2015FCC$640,000
AT&T Mobilitytelecommunications violation2014FCC$105,000,000
AT&T Mobilitytelecommunications violation2013FCC$600,000
AT&Ttelecommunications violation2013FCC$18,250,000
AT&T Inc.telecommunications violation2012FCC$700,000
AT&Ttelecommunications violation2004FCC$490,000
DIRECTV Inc.telecommunications violation2004FCC$87,500
AT&Ttelecommunications violation2003FCC$780,000
(*): Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting.